How to Start a Podcast

Season 1 Trailer: Who is this podcast for?

Buzzsprout Season 1

Download the “How to Start a Podcast Checklist”, a FREE, step-by-step guide designed to help you get your podcast off the ground without feeling overwhelmed. 

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Hello and welcome to the podcast that teaches you how to create a podcast. I'm Travis Albritton and...


You're not Travis Albritton! Welcome to Season 1 of"How to Start a Podcast" presented by Buzzsprout. I'll be your host, Travis Albritton. And helping me in every single episode is our very own Alban Brooke.


Hey, what's up, Travis? This is going to be a podcast that can help you if you have a podcast already, you want to start one or it's just something that you're kinda thinking about. This is going to be the podcast for you. We're going to walk you through the whole process and make it as easy as possible.


Yeah, we go through every single step and lay it out in a linear fashion. So all you gotta do if you're wanting to start a podcast or you want to make sure you didn't miss anything, just follow each episode in order and it's going to lay out all the steps you need to take so there's no guesswork. Absolutely zero guesswork to start a podcast. And there's a couple things that you'll want to do to get the most out of listening to this podcast. Number one, make sure you listen to the episodes in order. We put them in the order that they're in for a reason. Every episode builds on the one before it, so don't jump to episode five because the title caught your attention. Listen to episode one through four, and then episode five is gonna actually make sense. And then the second tip is you should download our free"How to Start a Podcast" checklist. It's the master guide that is going to walk you through every single step that you need to take to take your podcast from an idea and make it reality and it's absolutely free. Just click on the link in the show notes of this episode and you can download it for free.


All right guys, and we'll see you in episode one.


See ya!