Garden Basics with Farmer Fred

361 Defensible Space Landscaping Tips

Fred Hoffman Season 5 Episode 63
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00:00:00 | 01:05:20

We examine the wildland-urban interface and its growing wildfire risks for homeowners, particularly in fire-prone areas like California and other western states. We talk about the concept of hardening your landscape from the Ember Ignition Zone with insights from Kevin Marini, a UC Defensible Space Advisor. He highlights the importance of maintaining clear spaces around homes and managing vegetation in three defensive zones.

Today, it’s Episode 361, Defensible Space Landscaping Tips. It’s the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast, brought to you today by Smart Pots and Dave Wilson Nursery. Let’s go!

Pictured: A Landscape with Defensible Space (Photo:

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Smart Pots
Dave Wilson Nursery (with the FRED discount link)

Other links mentioned in today’s podcast:

The Dance of Defensible Space, by Kevin Marini
UCANR Fire Network: Creating a Defensible Space
U. Nevada-Reno: Mulch and Flammability
CalFire Demonstration Fire Video
IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Video
FireSafe Marin
CA Native Plant Society list of fire-resistant plants

More Wildfire Protection Tips :

Utah State University
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vail, Colo.
Ashland, Oregon
Fort Worth, TX
British Columbia, Canada

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