Definitely a Board Game Podcast
Definitely a Board Game Podcast
Definitely a Board Game Podcast Episode 57: There's a New Mill in Town!
Welcome Daniel Newman and Tony Miller of New Mill Industries!
Royce, Daniel and Tony talk about everything gaming!
In new to the collection we look at potential spiel winner Duos, kid's legacy game Zombie Kids, and the story driven Almanac: The Dragon Road.
The news is all about a recent kickstarter scandal, and what happens when someone copies someone else's game? How does it affect future playtesting, production and sales?
In the Main Event, we take a closer look at the Punk Rock publishing company New Mill Industries! New Mill is the new kid on the block and they're doing everything different. Tony and Daniel tell us all about starting and running a game production company in the middle of a pandemic.
And finally we finish with our TOP 3 best things about running a game company!