Acid Horizon
Acid Horizon and Inner Experience theory podcasts. Metaphysics, ethics, politics, critical theory, phenomenology, and beyond.
Acid Horizon
Death and Time in the Work of Gilles Deleuze with Ben Decarie
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Ben Decarie is a graduate student from Penn state University who is working on a paper using Deleuze's theory of time to confront the concurrent ecological crises and the question of extinction. Craig and Ben explore Deleuze's theory of time, death, ressentiment, and Deleuze's own twist on Nietzsche's eternal return in paired readings of Difference and Repetition and The Logic of Sense.
More Acid Horizon episodes which touch on Deleuze and ressentiment:
DELEUZE AND REVENGE: On Nietzsche, Amor Fati, and the Stoicism of Becoming Worthy of the Event: https://youtu.be/U2w4dQzoSHw
Gilles Deleuze's 'Nietzsche & Philosophy': Chapter 2, "Active and Reactive" and Hierarchy: https://youtu.be/xJxE-rJKo-s
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Revolting Bodies (Will's Blog): https://revoltingbodies.com
Split Infinities (Craig’s Substack): https://splitinfinities.substack.com/
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