Acid Horizon
Acid Horizon and Inner Experience theory podcasts. Metaphysics, ethics, politics, critical theory, phenomenology, and beyond.
Acid Horizon
'The War on the Social Factory' with Annie Paradise and Manolo Callahan
Support the Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/acephalous/acephalous-the-erotic-tarot-of-georges-bataille
But the 'War on the Social Factory': https://nupress.northwestern.edu/9780810146648/the-war-on-the-social-factory/
About the book:
A collective ethnography of grassroots mobilizations for community safety across the Silicon Valley
This is a narrative of struggle and solidarity and a collective toolkit for grassroots opposition to militarization, policing, and ongoing conditions of war in the current conjuncture of racial patriarchal capitalism. Grassroots researcher Annie Paradise presents here a collective ethnography of the mothers and community matriarchs whose children have been murdered by police across the San Francisco Bay Area as they develop and practice autonomous, creative forms of resistance.
The War on the Social Factory: The Struggle for Community Safety in the Silicon Valley maps local families’ struggles to reclaim their households and their communities—to create a social infrastructure of care, justice, and safety outside state- and market-determined modes of “security.” Practices such as sustained vigil, testimony, and the production and circulation of insurgent knowledges are shown here to be part of interconnected justice efforts to demilitarize and decarcerate communities in the face of the multiple forms of violence enacted under late racial patriarchal capitalism. Paradise examines the expanding carceral processes of enclosure, criminalization, dispossession, expropriation, and disposability that mark the neoliberal "security” regime across the Silicon Valley and offers counter-counterinsurgent strategies and practices of co-generative, dynamic resistance.
CRRA wevsite: http://www.ccra-tech.art/
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Happy Hour at Hippel's (Adam’s blog): https://happyhourathippels.wordpress.com
Revolting Bodies (Will's Blog): https://revoltingbodies.com
Split Infinities (Craig’s Substack): https://splitinfinities.substack.com/
Music: https://sereptie.bandcamp.com/ and https://thecominginsurrection.bandcamp.com/