Acid Horizon
Acid Horizon and Inner Experience theory podcasts. Metaphysics, ethics, politics, critical theory, phenomenology, and beyond.
Acid Horizon
'Evil : A Study of Lost Techniques' with Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh
Have you read 'Omnicide' yet?
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"Evil is an infinitely complex set of micro-techniques somehow lost in time—that is, subtle inflections of possibility and obscure typologies of influence that once reached across every divide." Jason joins Will, Adam, and Craig for another plunge down the rabbit hole to discuss images of darkness and an inventory of evils in their utter specificity. This discussion contains mentions of the work of Nietzsche, Kojève, Deleuze, Bataille, and Foucault.
'Evil: A Study of Lost Techniques' by Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh is forthcoming from Scarlett Press.
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Revolting Bodies (Will's Blog): https://revoltingbodies.com
Split Infinities (Craig’s Substack): https://splitinfinities.substack.com/
Music: https://sereptie.bandcamp.com/ and https://thecominginsurrection.bandcamp.com/