The I Heart STEAM Teacher Podcast

Creating a Culture of STEM with Chris Woods from The Daily STEM

Bonnie Kirkley Season 1 Episode 14

This episode is jam packed with so much STEM understanding! Exactly what is STEM? How can we be sure as educators that we are getting ALL the best impressions with students when we use STEM?

Chris Woods joins me today to explain quite a lot of this uncharted territory. Yes, uncharted. We know what STEM stands for. Many of us have tried a STEM activity or challenge, but how do we really make an impact with it? How can we begin to enjoy using it with our students?

This answer is.... STEM or STEAM is a culture not an activity. It encompasses many different teaching approaches and methodologies. I want to say that I have a #1 tip... I actually have a a few good ones.
*Start anyway you can.
*Use it in any subject.
*Be prepared to let an activity change when students begin to have ideas.
*Don't let it intimidate you because you feel like you aren't an expert. I promise YOU have a lot to bring to the table.
*Celebrate FAILURES!!! That is when true understanding and learning, as well as, stamina through difficulties begin to evolve.
*Introduce each area of STEM or STEAM, and how we can't have one without the other!
*Find other educators to collaborate with. Start with Chris Woods! Even me!

Chris Woods recently released his new book
Daily STEM: How to Create a STEM Culture in Your Classrooms and Communities! Find it on the Amazon link here.

Join Chris's email list from and begin getting his Daily STEM News, a free educator resource.

He can be found on Twitter and Instagram: @dailystem

As always.... subscribe and kindly leave a review! What do you need help with? What are interested in? Tell me! Keep on iHeartSTEAMing!!