Away We Go

024 - 20 Questions for a Traveling Couple

Kayla Ossachuk & Andrew Martel Season 2 Episode 24

If I had it my way, I’d be on the road more than I am at home BUT I have a life and responsibilities here in Canada. That being said, I started this podcast to help couples who wanted to gain the courage to take that first step and get out into the great wide world. Who better to chat about couples travel with than my own partner, Andrew Martel. We’re answering 20 questions for a traveling couple.
Hey and welcome to episode 24 of Kayla on the Road: the podcast.

For more Andrew, check out episodes 3, 7, 12, 13, 17, 21, and 22.

Check out the complete questions list here.

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We want to hear about your adventures! Don't forget to follow us @awaywegopodcast on Facebook and Instagram and if you're interested in seeing some of our travels check out Kayla on TikTok @Kaylaontheroad. As always, happy planning and we cannot wait to see you on the road soon!