The Old Kids Movies

Catch That Kid

Season 5 Episode 7

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Another anniversary movie, because why not? This time, we're flashing back to 2004 to rob a bank and hop on a go kart for Catch that Kid! AJ remembers it with fondness. Trevor chose to go to an arcade back in the day instead of seeing it – and he doesn't regret it in the slightest. 

Also, make sure you stay until the end for a very important ask that AJ has for Trevor!

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Special shoutout to our upper-level Patrons:

  • Emil
  • Ben Franchi
  • Ray Munoz
  • Steven Shinder
  • Trever Sprouse 

Everyone who signs up for our Patreon at the $4 level will be given shoutouts in each episode and episode show notes.

Next time: another flap those wings and play some ball. 

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