The Old Kids Movies

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

AJ Beltis & Trevor Howell Season 5 Episode 9

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Happy 20th anniversary to what is widely considered the best movie of the Wizarding World franchise – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! AJ and Trevor dive into one of the best kids and family movies ever made to discuss how it reshaped the franchise and the future careers of its stars, the quality of filmmaking, and some of the biggest moments in the series. 

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Special shoutout to our upper-level Patrons:

  • Emil
  • Travis Beale 
  • Ben Franchi
  • Ray Munoz
  • Steven Shinder
  • Trever Sprouse 

Everyone who signs up for our Patreon at the $4 level will be given shoutouts in each episode and episode show notes.

Next time: a Patreon preview before you come get some dinner.

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