The Old Kids Movies
Revisit millennial kids movies! Trevor Howell and AJ Beltis recount the popular, obscure, and forgotten movies of our childhood, asking ourselves if the movie still holds up, what it would take to release the movie today, and look at where the stars are now.
The Old Kids Movies
Teen Movie Draft (Patreon Preview)
AJ Beltis & Trevor Howell
It's a battle for the best teen movies ever! AJ, Trevor, and guest TJ Ruesch go to war to build the best roster of teen movies, from American Graffiti, to Scream, to Lady Bird, and all the high school comedies in between.
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- Follow AJ on Letterboxd
- Follow Trevor on Letterboxd
- Follow TJ on Letterboxd
Special shoutout to our upper-level Patrons:
- Emil
- Ben Franchi
- Ray Munoz
- Steven Shinder
- Trever Sprouse
Everyone who signs up for our Patreon at the $4 level will be given shoutouts in each episode and episode show notes.