The Old Kids Movies

The Lion King

AJ Beltis & Trevor Howell Season 5 Episode 11

Celebrating its 30th anniversary, The Lion King is arguably the crowning achievement in Disney's Renaissance Era. We discuss the music, characters, wonderful animation, and how this movie's Best Original Score win messed up the Oscars timeline in AJ's mind.

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Special shoutout to our upper-level Patrons, including Travis Beale and SaidTheSaid, who weren't active Patrons at the time of this recording!

  • Emil
  • Ben Franchi
  • Ray Munoz
  • Steven Shinder
  • Trever Sprouse 

Everyone who signs up for our Patreon at the $4 level will be given shoutouts in each episode and episode show notes.

Next time: RV gonna have fun with this one? 

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