Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!

015: Oops! I did it again... How mistakes can boost your confidence!

January 18, 2021 Michelle Remington Season 1 Episode 15
015: Oops! I did it again... How mistakes can boost your confidence!
Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
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Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
015: Oops! I did it again... How mistakes can boost your confidence!
Jan 18, 2021 Season 1 Episode 15
Michelle Remington

Mistakes... grrr! Making mistakes can be one of life's annoying realities. But do they really have to be?? 
In this episode I'm going to teach you how changing your perspective on mistakes can drastically change your quality of life. You can live an empowered life! With the right tools, you can learn to take every thought captive. It's your time to shine from the inside out!

If you enjoy Worth It! consider joining the Worth It! Squad Facebook group! Imagine finding a community of believers, where you can experience genuine human connection and true fellowship. We unashamedly focus on God and His word. We pray together, celebrate with each other, and through all the things that are going on in your life you are surrounded by friends who understand you and remind you of your value. This is the essence of the Worth It! Squad Facebook group. Take a moment to look up Worth It Squad on facebook and join your squad today. Hey girl, your squad is waiting, join here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

For more encouragement find me here:






Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Show Notes Transcript

Mistakes... grrr! Making mistakes can be one of life's annoying realities. But do they really have to be?? 
In this episode I'm going to teach you how changing your perspective on mistakes can drastically change your quality of life. You can live an empowered life! With the right tools, you can learn to take every thought captive. It's your time to shine from the inside out!

If you enjoy Worth It! consider joining the Worth It! Squad Facebook group! Imagine finding a community of believers, where you can experience genuine human connection and true fellowship. We unashamedly focus on God and His word. We pray together, celebrate with each other, and through all the things that are going on in your life you are surrounded by friends who understand you and remind you of your value. This is the essence of the Worth It! Squad Facebook group. Take a moment to look up Worth It Squad on facebook and join your squad today. Hey girl, your squad is waiting, join here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

For more encouragement find me here:






Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Michelle Remington:

Have you ever made a mistake, and you get that feeling of dread, like,"Alright, here we go again! Like I really needed another mistake!" And then in your mind, it starts spiraling out, like it's the end of the world. And then miraculously, sometime during the day, it becomes less like a state of emergency and more like "It happened, whatever..." Or, or you could be like me. I would take those mistakes, and I would keep on putting them in my emotional backpack. And let that keep weighing me down and weighing me down and breaking me down. And just adding to the arsenal of things that I used against myself to beat me down emotionally and mentally and say things to myself. Like, "Yep, you did it again. Oh, yeah. made another mistake. You always make mistakes. Why are you this way?" You know, the schpeel it gets pretty ugly. Today, we are talking about mistakes, and how mistakes are good for you. I know. Sounds weird right now, but trust me, we're gonna get into it today. Grab some coffee, grab some tea, grab some soda, whatever it is, you're grabbing. Cuz girl, we're gonna get into it right now.!

Worth It! Intro:

Welcome to worth it. The podcast where we answer anxiety, deflate fear and shut down shame, because ain't no woman got time for that you were made to thrive. My mission is to help you get deeply rooted with God and reclaim your weapon that the enemy of God has been using against you. After going to battle for my own mind. Three years ago, I realized that there is a war going on for our minds. A battle that begins with how we think says you have much more control than you realize. With each episode, you'll learn how to fight back and become more confident and the truth that God already knows, you are worth it. I'm Michelle Remington, Christian mindset coach, thought strategist, and warrior Mama. Grab your son or daughter of the king, it's time to unleash your inner warrior princess.

Michelle Remington:

Welcome back warrior. Yep. today. Sometimes, as a warrior, you just got to tackle the things that you don't want to tackle the things that you would very much rather avoid? Well, today, we are tackling mistakes. And of course, there are many different kinds of mistakes out there. But we're just going to talk about mistakes in general, because this is a big thing that I went through. And I know pretty much every human hates to make mistakes unless you are a human that has learned emotional intelligence, and how to take every thought captive.

Mental Health Disclaimer:

Before we dive in. I do want to say that I am not a mental health professional. I'm simply sharing from my experience with depression, the strategies and steps that helped me. So first and foremost, I want you to know that you are not alone. Reach out to friends and family. Tell them how you're feeling. Don't be afraid to ask for help. The world is so much better with you in it. If you need help, or resources or just more information for yourself or for someone else. I encourage you to reach out to the National Suicide Prevention hotline. their phone number is 1-800-273-8255 that's 1-800-273-8255 Today, we are tackling mistakes, honey, it is time to make mistakes. normal again and I know you may be saying like oh yeah, they're normal. I make them all the time. It just makes my life so wonderful.

Michelle Remington:

Sarcasm aside. Mistakes need to be normal and the way that we deal with them. That is what we need to normalize. It doesn't need to be another brick that you lay in your emotional backpack mistake are not failures. Hear me again, mistakes are not failures,they are not a reason to quit. Mistakes are a part of the learning process. So if you make mistakes, congratulations, you are a normal functioning human being the way God intended and you are learning something may not be pleasant. But you're learning, you're progressing. Now we can react to mistakes from one of two places generally, our rational mind where we actually deal with it in a healthy way. Or our ego. Mm hmm. Yeah, she got ugly sometimes, doesn't she? Yes. One of those two places can either help us grow? And then the other one knock you back a few ticks? I'm pretty sure you know which one is which. So when you react with your ego, your pride shows its ugly head. And when pride gets upset, the first person that blames is you. Mm hmm. You see pride is like a toxic relationship. As long as everything goes, Well, pride is happy, takes all the credit. But the moment you make a mistake, you will see that ugly side of pride and that just rhymed... They put all the blame on you and begin to abuse you in their messed up attempt to re-gain control. Yeah, I think you may know what well, we do it a lot as humans, men, women doesn't matter. I think women probably do it more than men. But we all do it. Now the cool thing is God's word is full of so much wisdom on this. So check this out. Proverbs 29:23 says "A man's pride will bring him low. But the humble in spirit will retain honor." Yeah, sounds like they got the humble spirit. Yeah, that one is doing a whole lot better with how they're dealing with things.

Now, Psalms 25:

8-9 says "Good and upright is the Lord. Therefore, He teaches sinners in the way the humble. He guides injustice and the humble. He teaches his way." Now, the interesting thing here is, is that usually, we don't normally react to mistakes that we make with humility. Usually, our ego gets in the way. So we get mad at ourselves for making a mistake or we start to beat ourselves up for making that mistake. But remaining humble is where that makes us teachable for God. That's very important to be teachable. Because when the student is ready, as you've probably heard some time in your life, the teacher appears. And that student comes with humility, comes humble. Now, here's a little a little nerdy nerdy bit for you. Okay, so if you look at the word, HUMAN,"The root word of HUM in HUMan comes from the Latin word HUMus meaning Earth, and Ground." A few Bible scriptures come into mind with that one. "And the Latin HUManus, which means MAN." So Earth and ground and man. Genesis coming up in my mind right now. Now is interesting. This is this is a quote here. So this scientist says, "It is interesting to follow the changes of the idea here, it begins with HUMus, earth, then becomes HUMble, lowly, finally to HUMAN, man. But we must never forget the origin of man, dust thou art and dust thou must return." Now, that interesting little nerdy tidbit there is from English-for-students.com. That's not even like a Christian site, it is teaching, the origins of the words. And the bottom line to all of that nerdy stuff. And everything that I've been saying so far, is that humility, is beautiful. But the interesting thing about humility is either our ego gets in the way, or our self hatred gets in the way. That's a hard one to take. And it took me a long time to get over my self hatred. And I will be brutally honest here, there are times even now, when that self hatred tries to come back, it tries to rear its ugly head and take me down back down into that pit. But it never succeeds. Because Jesus stepped in,#1. And because Jesus has brought me on this journey, to help me learn, to help me grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally. And to know that I don't need to go back to that place, I have a choice. And my choice is Jesus, and everything that He has been working in me, that is my choice. You have a choice too. There's a lot of layers, when you really start to break down. Everything that goes with like anxiety and depression, and shame, and fear. There's so many layers, it's it's just an onion, basically, there's a lot of layers, but the one, The One that can get through all of those layers and peel through all of those layers, with mastery, with surgeon precision, and never make a mistake and know exactly how He needs to deal with this layer and how He needs to help you get to the point where He can peel off this layer is Jesus. He's The One. Jesus is the center. Jesus is the key. We can't do it without Jesus, because He's The One doing all this spiritual work. The catalyst that begins that process in you and began in me was Humility. And to say, you said it, I believe it. And now I am coming to you, Lord, God Almighty that created everything that we know, and don't know, stripping it all away. And I am saying to you, Lord, I am coming to you, my teacher, my master, I am teachable and coachable. I'm ready to learn. I'm ready to move. God is amazing. He created us. Amazingly! There's so much that we don't understand about the human body and how He created us. And others. The cool thing is, is that when you make a mistake, and you learn from that mistake, you choose to learn from that mistake. Now, the cool thing is when you make a mistake, you're growing new pathways in your brain. here's the kicker, depending on how you deal with that mistake, if you use it, to bash yourself and beat yourself up, you're growing up pathways that way. Kind of sounds like a dark and dreary forest doesn't sound all that great. But when you choose to learn from those mistakes, you are growing new pathways, to learn something into progress in your journey, and to be better off than where you were before. Yeah. Even more awesome, there's no map in your brain to tell those new pathways were to grow. But God knows, kind of makes me think of "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Your brain is literally walking by faith and not by sight to build those new neural pathways. Like, I get all nerdy about that stuff, okay, like, Whoa, it's amazing. God is working mightily in you, even down to this cellular level. Awesome! And we can never change the fact that we were created by the Almighty God. And of course, my hope is that you are to the point in your journey that you would never want to be other than created by the Almighty God. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God. And the word was, God." Now take a little step back there, go to Genesis 1:26. God said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness." God is so good! God is so good! And so amazing! Like we can't even fathom the depth of the work that He is doing in us. If we want to thrive, we need to believe and embrace who we are and who our Creator is, and bridge that gap and come into covenant, into relationship with God. The moral of today's podcast is that you're supposed to make mistakes. You're supposed to make mistakes, and it's okay. If you make mistakes, hey, you might even want to go a step further. And when you make a mistake, instead of mentally beating yourself up, what would happen if we started to say, Thank You, Jesus? Thank you, Jesus. How much would that turn it around? That would begin to train your mind getting that attitude of gratitude going on real strong. So that is my challenge for you the next time you make a mistake, instead of saying something negative, either out your mouth, or in your mind. Just say Thank You, Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Because mistakes mean progress may not seem like it. But But mistakes mean, progress. Thank you for joining me on this episode of worth it. If this episode has blessed you in some way, I invite you to leave a review and make sure that you subscribe to this podcast for more encouraging content. Until next time, remember you are worth it.