Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!

027: It's time to get your confidence back! - Rebuilding your self esteem with affirmations and declarations

July 27, 2021 Michelle Remington Season 1 Episode 27
027: It's time to get your confidence back! - Rebuilding your self esteem with affirmations and declarations
Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
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Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
027: It's time to get your confidence back! - Rebuilding your self esteem with affirmations and declarations
Jul 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 27
Michelle Remington

Get your Worth It Manifesto FREE! https://michelleremington.com/worth-it-manifesto/

You really need to have a talk with yourself...

The idea of talking to yourself has gotten a bad wrap! Yet, it's the key to reversing the script inside your head. Whether we realize it or not we "talk to ourselves" all the time. It's this inner script or your thoughts that drive your brain and how you make decisions. Whoa!

That's why it's so important to take back control of how you talk to yourself.  So, which version of you do you want in the driver's seat? EEK!

It looks like you'll need the Freebie I have for you today!  The Worth It! Manifesto is the perfect tool to help you flip the script and get your confidence back! Get yours at

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Show Notes Transcript

Get your Worth It Manifesto FREE! https://michelleremington.com/worth-it-manifesto/

You really need to have a talk with yourself...

The idea of talking to yourself has gotten a bad wrap! Yet, it's the key to reversing the script inside your head. Whether we realize it or not we "talk to ourselves" all the time. It's this inner script or your thoughts that drive your brain and how you make decisions. Whoa!

That's why it's so important to take back control of how you talk to yourself.  So, which version of you do you want in the driver's seat? EEK!

It looks like you'll need the Freebie I have for you today!  The Worth It! Manifesto is the perfect tool to help you flip the script and get your confidence back! Get yours at

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Worth It! Squad:

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up worth it squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today.

Michelle Remington:

You may have heard me talk before about how powerful our mind is and how important how we speak to ourself, really is. Well today we're going to get down into some of the science of that. And I've got a free gift free today that I'd like to give to you that will hopefully help you along your journey. So get ready, because here we go.

Worth It! Intro:

Welcome to worth it. The podcast where we answer anxiety, deflate, fear and shut down shame you were made to thrive. My mission is to help you get deeply rooted with God and reclaim your weapon that the enemy of God has been using against you. After going to battle for my own mind. Four years ago, I realized that there is a war going on for our minds. A battle that begins with how we think says you have much more control than you realize. With each episode, you'll learn how to fight back and become more confident and the truth that God already knows. You are worth it. I'm Michelle Remington, Christian mindset coach, thought captivating, daughter of the king and warrior Mama. Grab your sword daughter of the king, it's time to unleash your inner warrior princess.

Michelle Remington:

Welcome back. Beautiful warrior here. Yes, yes, I am talking to you. And maybe you should start referring to yourself as a beautiful warrior, or I'm sure there's some other phrases that you would use. And I say that because self talk is really that important how we speak about ourselves. Is that important? And I think the main question to ask ourselves when it comes to self talk, is, does your self talk agree with the Word of God and how God speaks about you? Hmm, that's a hard one. Yeah. If not, sometimes, or never? Or if you're saying Yes, go on girl. Just grab your girlfriends. They need to hear it too. But if not, then there's a problem there. And that problem can be fixed. Because self talk is something that we can teach ourselves. And that is what we're going to be talking about today. Now there's lots of science. It's been emerging probably for the past, I don't know, 30-35 years. And it's in the area of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. And there's several different scientists that are emerging. One that I've actually read some books from is Dr. Caroline leaf. This is a very interesting science, because previously, there was this thought that once you have either been through some kind of brain injury or trauma, or if you were just born that way, you were just born that way you can't change. And science is proving that wrong. And that science that's proving it wrong is agreeing with God's word that you can change, you can experience transformation, it is possible. So I'm gonna try not to get nerdy, I'll warn you right now. Try not to get nerdy, I'll do my best. But we're gonna get down into that. So talking out loud, is very important. It can actually be an extension of our self talk. And of course, it can be very awkward if somebody catches you talking to yourself. I especially kind of felt this and found this out when I started using affirmations to really aid in my transformation because the way that I thought about myself was so very flawed and so very horrible. I mean, I just thought the worst things about myself I was just mean like that inner mean girl, you can go find th at episode Inner Mean girl. That's episode number four. So you could check that one out for yourself. But we have to take a stand, when we make that choice that we are going to begin a transformation with God and change the way that we think because the old way isn't working that old way is killing us little by little. And we have to change the way that we think about ourselves. And one of the ways that we can do that is changing the way that we talk about ourselves. So there's some interesting facts about talking out loud to yourself can have on you. So talking out loud actually improves your overall perception of yourself above and beyond the normal, it influences your perception. And it aids in your internal remodeling, if you want to put it that way. Now, an interesting thing is that there were some scientific studies that were done. And they basically did a split test. So they had some contestants and a speech contest. And they had five minutes to get ready for this speech. And so the first test group, they said, okay, to prepare for this speech, and when you're talking to yourself, use the word I. And for the second group, they said, use either your name, or you. Interestingly enough, and there have been several different studies in different scenarios, and different people that have conducted the studies that have proven this, those that actually used you, or used their name, they found that those people spoke to themselves in a definitely more pleasant way, a more upbeat and encouraging way. And in talking to themselves with that I, it was a lot more negative. I mean, just think about it in your regular life. There have been times in my life when I'm like, I am such an idiot, right? But it seems foreign. If I were to say, Michelle is such an idiot, that just sounds really weird to me. Right? But when you speak to yourself using your name, or you have you ever given yourself a pep talk in the mirror, you can do this, Michelle, you got this, right. Same thing works with using your name or you in the way that you talk to yourself, the way that you think about yourself, the way that you think in general will drive your brain. So just think about how that is when it comes to self talk. The way that you think about yourself, would drive your brain that means it drives your actions. It drives your choices. It drives your opinions, it drives how you influence things. Yeah, I mean, this is big, this is very important. And it this kind of came up for me. And I really started thinking about it, because my pastor always tells us when you're reading the Word of God, or when you're praying, make sure that you are speaking it out loud. Because when you speak it out loud, your ears are hearing it and your body is actually experiencing you saying this so like the whole neuroplasticity and neurogenesis and how that works in your brain is kind of all the back working stuff. And Hatton how that works in your brain. So all that to come to the point of using affirmations and changing the way that you speak to yourself. You can use several different things like I've used affirmation cards and how I spoke to myself. But it wasn't until I wrote my own Manifesto. Basically, I was doing Lady Boss. So if anybody's ever done Lady Boss, they have their own Lady Boss Manifesto. And it just talks about what a lady boss does what a lady boss is like, what she expects all this stuff. And being a person of faith, some of that stuff just didn't jive with me. So I actually came up with my own Manifesto. So that is what I'm going to be sharing with you today. So I'm going to read it to you but I'm also I've made it into a PDF for you so you can download it and print it up for yourself. Hopefully you like the pretty graphics because I made those myself too. Sorry, nerdy, I promised but it's really hard. So you can go to michelleremington.com to download that. And I sincerely hope that it blesses you. And also I written out a prayer as well, if you just need some guidance and a prayer, you know, you're starting on this journey, and you don't know what to pray or how to pray. I'm going to include that prayer as well. And if that's something that helps you, I am so very glad. This is the prayer that I had said so many times in my journey, just knowing that I needed help. But also knowing that God had intervened. He said, You were made for so much more. And he was beginning to show me all of this sciency nerdy stuff because he knows how I am. He's showing me all of these things about neuroplasticity and neurogenesis and how the brain works and how I actually can change in that Science is agreeing with his word and saying, yes, you can change. And these are the things that I began to pray as I began to see that and began to see that I could change. And these are the things that I found most powerful for myself, in praying, and I still pray these even today, this is a process and it's gonna, it took years for all of this mental mess to happen is gonna take years for the mental mess, to be healed. But I don't want that to discourage you, because it's not going to take that long for you to begin to see results, and for you to begin to have victories. So, with all that said, and keeping in mind what I said about saying, You or your name, I'm going to read you the word that Manifesto. You are a daughter of the Almighty and sovereign God, He is King of kings and Lord of lords. Your father is a mighty warrior, who is always victorious. He is your example, and your ever present help. He gives you courage and strength to overcome any challenge. His Word and His promises are true, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, created for his purpose on purpose, your potential has been cultivated and curated by the all powerful God, therefore you will root your self beliefs in the promises of the one who created your mind, your body and your soul, and root your identity in his living Word, you will walk in integrity as a daughter of the king. That that is the manifesto that I wrote, probably, oh, three years ago. Now, when you read that, you have a choice, you can talk to yourself, whatever way is most effective for you to talk to yourself, I guess. So yes, I am advocating talking to yourself. So if you want to say you are a daughter, or say your name, and then you are a daughter, or say Aye. I am a daughter. However it is whatever works for you. But I will say that the science backs it more positively, much more positively. If you say you are or if you say your name, and then lunch into you are because you are literally talking to yourself. And what I want to invite you to do is to say this every day, do your best to say it every day because I know some mornings are hectic, yes. But it doesn't have to be just a morning thing. It can be any time of the day. When you go to the website and get the PDF and everything you can even just keep it on your phone. Keep it with you. And any time of the day that you want to say as many times a day as you want to say it, go for it. Because this is starting to re wire our brains. What I didn't realize when I began the journey and started to see how the brain works and how my thoughts were so important to how everything was going with my mess of emotions and thoughts and negativity and everything. I didn't realize how important it was and how much it was affecting my faith. It was affecting my choices and in affecting my choices. It was affecting my marriage. It was affecting my parenting, it was affecting my relationships, it was affecting my job. It was affecting every single thing that I was doing, because the way you think drives your brain. So I definitely want to encourage you in this, just go to Michelle Remington calm and you can download this manifesto as well as the prayer which I'm normally finished out in prayer. So that is the print that I'm going to finish out with today. Lord Jesus, You alone are worthy of all my praise. You are my king, my Savior, and my sovereign. You are my Creator. And I trust that I am safe in your arms. God, I invite you to search my heart, examine me through and through, find out everything that may be hidden within me. put me to the test and sift through all my thoughts. And see if there's any path of pain that I'm walking on. It lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way. The path that brings me back to you, Lord, thank you for working in me, and for reminding me who you created me to be. I'm sorry for believing lies about myself and for letting them influence my choices and my faith. Teach me Lord, how to combat lies, and negative thoughts that enter my mind helped me to take every thought captive. Strengthen me Lord with your word. And help me to walk with confidence in your truth helped me to remain as consistent and diligent and faithful as you in daily prayer. open my mind and my heart to understand and receive your word. Let your word always be met with good ground, ready to be fortified. Help me to have grace and mercy with myself through this process helped me as I learn new habits and behaviors and unlearn those that don't honor you and caused me harm helped me to release the pain, release the fear, the doubt, the shame and the baggage that I have been holding on to teach me to put my true identity in you. And finally see myself through your eyes. It's in your precious and holy name, Jesus I pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you for joining me on another episode of worth it. Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepening your faith, emotional mastery and thriving on purpose, visit michelleremington.com