Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!

029: Don't Stop Believing! God is not finished with you yet!

October 05, 2021 Michelle Remington Season 2 Episode 29
029: Don't Stop Believing! God is not finished with you yet!
Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
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Worth It! Show: Equipping Christian women to thrive by breaking the cycle of anxiety, fear and shame for good!
029: Don't Stop Believing! God is not finished with you yet!
Oct 05, 2021 Season 2 Episode 29
Michelle Remington

When it comes to God working in your life, the more you read the Bible, the more God has to work with! I've struggled with the question "Am I enough?" for a long time. This comes from trying to reach a standard of living. I, eventually, came to realize that by spending so much time lost in worry and stress, I wasn't reading God's word. Which, appropriately, is where the answer to the question "Am I enough?" can be found. When you let the worry, doubt, fear, shame, etc take over your thought life, those thoughts train your brain to build new neuro-pathways, thus perpetuating the cycle. It can make life seem rather hopeless and feed into the doubt. Yet the "sword" that cuts through the doubt is that God isn't in the worries. God is in His word. After all, John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

In this episode we're changing the way we think about being enough and looking at how we move closer to the transformation that is possible for us.  Enjoy warrior!

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Show Notes Transcript

When it comes to God working in your life, the more you read the Bible, the more God has to work with! I've struggled with the question "Am I enough?" for a long time. This comes from trying to reach a standard of living. I, eventually, came to realize that by spending so much time lost in worry and stress, I wasn't reading God's word. Which, appropriately, is where the answer to the question "Am I enough?" can be found. When you let the worry, doubt, fear, shame, etc take over your thought life, those thoughts train your brain to build new neuro-pathways, thus perpetuating the cycle. It can make life seem rather hopeless and feed into the doubt. Yet the "sword" that cuts through the doubt is that God isn't in the worries. God is in His word. After all, John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

In this episode we're changing the way we think about being enough and looking at how we move closer to the transformation that is possible for us.  Enjoy warrior!

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepen your faith, emotional mastery, and thriving on purpose, visit https://www.michelleremington.com

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here, no shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone, we can make it worth it together. So take a moment, look up Worth It Squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/worthitsquad

Worth It! Squad:

If you enjoy worth it, consider joining the worth it squad Facebook group, we're a squad of fellow prayer warriors and thought conquerors, we pray together, we celebrate each other. And through all that's going on in life, we grow together, we encourage and keep each other accountable. There's no judgment here. No shame, we understand that life can be overwhelming, but you don't have to battle it alone. We can make it worth it together. So take a moment. Look up worth it, squad on Facebook, grab your sword warrior, and join your squad today.

Michelle Remington:

Have you ever thought, am I enough? This is something that I've struggled with for quite some time. And I've kind of struggled with it in a different way. Because I've been there definitely thinking, am I enough for my family? Am I enough? Am I doing enough? Am I living up to my potential? I get it. I totally get that. That thought that that feeling? But what I've been struggling with is the difference between am I enough? And in my walk of faith in my relationship with God? Why do I have to be enough? When Jesus is enough? So in an odd way, we will never be enough. And that's a relief. Yet, in another way, a beautiful way that God has orchestrated. We already are enough. As you can tell, my dear, we are going to be getting into this tough subject. But it's just a question that so many people ask themselves. I think it's something that we really need to dive into. So that's what we're gonna do today. So let's get into it, my friends.

Worth It! Intro:

Welcome to worth it. The podcast where we answer anxiety, deflate fear and shut down shame you were made to thrive. My mission is to help you get deeply rooted with God and reclaim your weapon that the enemy of God has been using against you. After going to battle for my own mind. Four years ago, I realized that there is a war going on for our minds. A battle that begins with how we think, says you have much more control than you realize. With each episode, you'll learn how to fight back and become more confident in the truth that God already knows. You are worth it. I'm Michelle Remington, Christian mindset coach thought captive ater, daughter of the king and warrior Mama. Grab your sword daughter of the king, it's time to unleash your inner warrior princess.

Michelle Remington:

Thank you so much for joining me for another episode of worth it. This is going to be an interesting episode. I recently had a lot of time to think, because I actually got a case of laryngitis and completely lost my voice. Like there were times when it was like just barely a whisper. There was nothing coming out. So that obviously gave me time to think about a lot of things. And at first I was like really antsy I was like, oh man, why is this happening? Like why am I lose my voice? Like, I can't talk I can't sing in church. I can't. It's just Ah, why why is this happening? But of course, hindsight is 2020. So I realized that this is or this was a blessing. And now I'm able to see it as such Praise God. So this question that is so prevalent in our lives today. Am I enough? I think it starts with the ideology of being enough in the world has to do with meeting someone's expectations. It can either be like in a relationship trying to meet someone's expectations there and in many cases can become Something toxic and abusive. And in other cases, it's just a matter of, am I enough? Am I fitting in? Because we want to relate to the world around us and to the people around us. We want to fit in, we want to have that community. That's the way God created us. God didn't create us to be loners. Some people are fine that way, but others are most definitely not. And we need community. That's how God created us. That's why we need a good church family that we can lean on and depend on to pray with us, and to pray through with us when those difficult situations. So there's, there's several ways that being enough has become this ideology in the world today, am I enough? Am I fitting in? Am I enough for my husband? Am I enough for my wife? Am I enough for my friend? Am I enough for my mother and father? Or am am I able to fit in here, because you end up feeling so alone. And part of the fear of feeling alone, a lot of people will change themselves to fit in, so that they aren't lonely, so that they are not alone, and they have a community. But in reality, this can cause a lot of harm to our emotional and mental health, as we're trying to relate to the world around us to the people around us. But I want to help you look at it a different way. Because this, as I said before, this is something that I've been struggling with myself, like I get it, asking yourself, Am I enough? Am I good enough? Am I enough for my family? Am I doing enough in my life to be productive? Am I living up to my expectations that are so much to unpack there. But in this beautiful way, as I read the scriptures, and my pastor has recently preached about a little bit of this subject, and God just kind of opened it up for me. With God, we're already enough. You see, we're enough for him to show us that we were worth it for him to come down to earth as Jesus and sacrifice himself for our unrighteousness for our sins, despite everything he knew we would do. He still chose to believe in you. And I here recently, we've been teaching my daughter, a weekly Bible verse, and we're going by the alphabet. And so this week, we're on the letter F. And my husband's like, well, what's the most obvious and first that begins with the letter F, that we can teach her? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life. So if you want to ask the question, Does God really believe in me, in that single solitary verse, is the proof and I'm not gonna lie, like when I got that one, when I when that hit me, I ugly, cried. Ugly cried because that was just one of those moments with God, where his truth revealed, so much love, that it just broke through the pain, the hurt, the shame, the doubt, the fear, as a stunningly beautiful thing about God's love. It has the ability to completely blast through so many years of hurt and pain. It has the ability to just melt away the scars that have been left on our heart by our experiences. The highest So amazing, He is faithful. And he loves you so much, so much. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son. If you need to take a moment, and switch out, God so loved the world with, For God so loved me, are looking your look in the mirror, and say it to yourself, for God, so loved you had believes in you and I, he believes in you, and he has created opportunities for you, that will allow him to upgrade your story and redeem what has been lost. See, when it comes to life, we can continue living life, as it is as as we're currently processing life as as we experience it. Or we can recognize that God has brought us to a new awareness of who we are, and who he is, and how our mind works. And that through Him, we can change with becoming more emotionally intelligence, which is something that he teaches in the scriptures. And Paul teaches in the scriptures. There's a lot of principles of emotional intelligence that were in the Bible long before psychologists and scientists discovered them. If we choose to recognize, realize and accept the fact that we are not stuck the way we are, and that God can transform us. That is how we then allow him to up great our story. And that journey begins when we pursue that with God. And that's done through prayer. It's done through upgrading your relationship with God. And there are two main ways that God communicates with us. Number one, through prayer, number two, through His Word, my pastor said it really cool. This last Sunday, he said, The Spirit cannot lead where there is no word. So there is this direct correlation between how much of God's word we have consumed, we have taken into our eyes, our ears, our mind, and how much God has to work with in us. And at first, I'll be honest, at first I was like, wow, I don't really feel like I get to read as much as I used to. But then, now that I think about it, that The very thought gives me hope. Because that tells me that there is more opportunity for me to consume more of God's Word. And when you consume God's word, when you're reading it, reading it out loud, if you can, so you can see it, speak it, hear it. That is one way that God communicates with us. God is so faithful, so faithful, he believes in you, and he has created opportunities for you. That will allow him to upgrade your story and redeem what has been lost. Yes, I said that again. Because I want you to understand and realize that hope is not lost. There is always hope with God. And when you read God's word, you pray, your story isn't over yet. And sometimes it's beginning a whole new chapter of your life. I can definitely attest to that. That's what happened to me. Four years ago, when I thought my life was over. I was ready to end my I live. And then I cried out to God. And he completely changed my story. I was at a point where I thought I was broken. But I had seen so much, and especially being, being in ministry, but then also being a Christian radio show host, you gain access to all of this kind of advanced training. So I saw this advanced training, and I understood that it was saying that you can change. But for me, I didn't see how that could happen. Because I had been trying for years and years and years, and nothing was happening. So what was the missing key? My creator, my Creator was the missing key. And I know it can be frustrating, especially when you're going through something like that. And then you're trying to meet expectations of the world. It's honestly a distraction. No wonder I was kind of going crazy. bouncing back and forth, like some kind of ping pong game. When you're trying to meet those expectations. It's keep you from upgrading your story with God and living to your full potential. And the only one that knows your full potential is God, He is your Creator, he knows you better than you know yourself, and he loves you better than anyone ever could. God only knows what your full potential is. But in reading this scripture, and everything that God has done, and then in my own personal life, seeing everything that God has done in me, and in in my church, I can tell you that there is much more potential with God in your life. But we can limit him, if we have little faith, if we have unbelief in our life, that is stopping God from being able to work in our life. Because God is a gentleman, he's not going to force himself on anyone. And once we allow God to start working in our life, and once we come to the point where we can just let it all go to God and just leave it there on the altar. Once we come to that point, that's when we're gonna see true transformation. I've seen it and others, and I've seen it in myself. And I know that he can do it in your life. And maybe he's already working in your life. Either way, praise God, because he's able to do it. So I just want to encourage you, wherever you are in the journey, God's not done with you yet. And trying to meet those expectations are getting in the way of you having a relationship with God and him upgrading your story, then something needs to change. And I don't say that, like my life is perfect. Over the past four years, I have had to make some serious changes in my life. And I am all the better for it. And I am so much happier. For it in my relationship with God is stronger because of it. And that's, that's how God's story has worked. Now I'm here, encouraging you, and you're listening to me, and I'm speaking to you, knowing that God is working in your life, and he needs you to hear this. And God only knows that in your case, there is someone that is praying for someone like you to do what God has created you to do. God knows the potential of your story. A God knows the plans that He has for you. So I want to encourage you to trust God today. Wherever you are in your journey, find a place where you can meet with God, no distractions. Meet with God, have the difficult conversation. It's gonna be hard at first. But let me tell you, being able to have those hard conversations with God is only going to deepen your relationship with him. Let's go ahead and down prayer. Lord, I thank you for the person listening. I thank you for the work that you're doing in their life. I thank you, Lord, for the hope that you have ignited in them. And I pray, Lord, that You would continue to work mightily in them and help them Lord. Help them to lay it all down and to trust you God with their journey. I pray, Lord, that You would surround them with your people to help lift them up and encourage them, so that they can continue in their journey with you. I pray, Lord, that they would experience you deeper than they ever thought possible. And I thank you, Lord, for the ability to share the things that you are teaching me the things that you are showing me in my own journey. I thank you, Lord, for showing me that, as I struggled with anxiety, depression, fear, doubt, shame, that I am not alone. And there are other beautiful women that you have created that are also feeling this same way, some of the same things. And I thank you, Lord, for creating that community of women. I thank you, God for the I don't even know how to describe it, Lord, just for the amazing work that you're bringing us all together. And you're transforming all of us. You truly are the all powerful, all knowing God. And I thank you for that. I thank you, Lord, for the love the work that you were doing with us, Lord, I thank you for not giving up on us. When we want to give up on ourselves sometimes, that pray, Lord, that You would help us to draw closer to you than we've ever been in our entire lives. It's your precious, Your holy name Jesus, we pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you for joining me on another episode of worth it. Be sure to leave a review and subscribe if this podcast has been a blessing to you. And to find more tools for your journey to deepening your faith, emotional mastery and thriving on purpose, visit Michelleremington.com