Studiospares Lockdown Podcast

Episode 006 - How lockdown has affected voice over artists with The Voice Over Network

July 26, 2020 Studiospares Season 1 Episode 6

Rachael Naylor is the founder of The VoiceOver Network and Alan Shires is the communications manager of The VoiceOver Network. A fantastic organisation devoted to providing a safe, supportive community where voice over artists can network, share, support and strengthen one and other in the industry. Both are experienced professional voice over artists whose combined track record includes the likes of Disney, Virgin Media, Vauxhall, Costa Coffee, TrustFord and Centrepoint.

In this episode, Racheal talks us the creation of The VoiceOver Network back in 2013, how the rise of social media took the voice over industry from an exclusive club to a legitimate career route for the many. Rachael and Alan also talk us through how expansive the voice over industry really is and that it isn’t exclusive to commercials.

Furthermore, Rachael and Alan expand on how the voiceover industry is continuously changing and what the dynamics between artist and agent are nowadays, with voiceover artists now able to find work themselves. Lastly, Rachael and Alan talk us through the effects COVID-19 has had on the voice over industry and is home studio recording the future for the industry?

The VoiceOver Network is now offering a special offer to Studiospares customers and subscribers, to find out more follow the link below!

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