Brown Bad Ass Bonita with Kim Guerra
Brown Bad Ass Bonita (@brownbadassbonita represents a movement. It's creator Kim Guerra is an artist, writer and entrepreneur. With close to 100K followers on Instagram and a platform set on empowering badass mujeres through self love, Kim has become an icon in our young LatinX movement. She holds a special place in my heart because like me, she has immigrant parents, comes from very humble beginnings and graduated from my alma mater, Cornell University. She creates apparel that celebrates our culture and empowers women. Her statements are bold and she has no fear when it comes to exploring the complexities of being a Latina, a person of color and a guerrera. She is the author of two books, Mariposa and Mija and her clothing line is not only hip, but it conveys beautiful messages of self love and empowerment. I hope you enjoy this episode. Please feel free to email me at elena@thevagenius.com or send a DM to my instagram account @dr.elenarodriguez if you have any questions.