Your Best Writing Life
Each Tuesday, Linda Goldfarb and her writing industry experts share content for all levels of writers. You receive practical information and how-to applications to grow your writing career as a faith-based author.
--We provide content to help you grow as a Christian writer to make your next book proposal, manuscript editing, speaking event, and writer's conference worth your time and energy.
--Our episodes average 30-45 minutes
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--Your Best Writing Life is associated with the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
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Your Best Writing Life
These Four Goals Will Maximize Your Monthly Writing with Tina Yeager
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When you prioritize these four goals, you will maximize your monthly output! Today’s guest offers solutions to get you started.
Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. I’m your host, Linda Goldfarb. Each week, I bring tips and strategies from writing and publishing industry experts to help you excel in your craft. I’m so glad you’re listening in. During this episode, you’ll learn Four Goals You Should Prioritize to Maximize Your Monthly Writing.
My industry expert is…Tina Yeager - Award-winning author, speaker, and life coach Tina Yeager hosts the Flourish-Meant Podcast and Flourish Today radio show on Christian Mix 106 and publishes Inkspirations Online, a weekly writers’ devotional. She has been licensed as a counselor since 2005. For holistic emotional wellness coaching, prayer-led creative journey mapping, purpose coaching, or event speaking, contact her at tina@tinayeager.com.
Alright, let’s head into our content for today… Four Goals We Should Prioritize to Maximize Our Month.
For your personal reset this month, here are four goals to restore your personal growth strategy and begin your journey to the best year ever.
1. Start each day by praying through a passage of scripture with thankfulness and worship, meditating upon a specific name of God.
2. Plan your intake. Nourish your brain, body, and spirit by what you choose to put into them. Set your food and beverages up before you get hungry.
3. Draft policy statements for your interactions with others. Set standards for how you will respond to and treat people to act as guard rails.
4. Prayerfully identify and execute short-term SMART goals. The Lord might reveal a long-range vision. If so, make sure all your short-term monthly goals support it.
Take a step in the next 24 hrs that commits you to the first objective of this month’s goal.
If you're a writer, subscribe to Inkspirations Online (devotional publication by writers for writers): https://www.inkspirationsonline.com/
Manage stress and anxiety in 10 minutes a day with the course presented by 15 experts, Subdue Stress and Anxiety https://divineencouragement.onlinecoursehost.com/courses
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Your host - Linda Goldfarb
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