Honest as a Mother

The Bullied Brain with Dr. Jennifer Fraser

September 26, 2022
Honest as a Mother
The Bullied Brain with Dr. Jennifer Fraser
Show Notes

Amanda is joined by Dr. Jennifer Fraser to talk about bullying and what it can do to our brains long term.

included in this episode:

  • Are kids really "too sensitive" these days?
  • How adults bully children and teach bullying without even realizing it.
  • Can our brains be affected long term by bullying ? Will it affect how we parent? How we feel about ourselves?
  • Cycle Breaking - What exactly is it and why is it so important.
  • Changing our brains - How can we do it? What steps can we take to heal our brains.
  • How all children are "good children" how we should look at bullying as a medical issue and not labelling children as "bad".

Follow Jennifer on IG @bulliedbrain 

Purchase her book :https://www.amazon.ca/Bullied-Brain-Scars-Restore-Health/dp/1633887782/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+bullied+brain+heal+your+scars+and+restore+your+health&qid=1663858156&sprefix=the+bullied%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-1