Rodney Elmer and the Mountain Deer Podcast
Rodney Elmer and the Mountain Deer hunting crew share their hunting strategies, conservation philosophies, and tips on how to make everyday in the woods a successful one. Connect with us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and on our website ( https://mtn-deer.com ) Send your podcast questions to: askmtndeer@gmail.com
Rodney Elmer and the Mountain Deer Podcast
Episode 55: BUCK SIGN and a BROKEN GUN
Join Rodney Elmer and the Mountain Deer Crew in NH for the 2023 Deer Season. They have a few days of deer hunting with Muzzleloaders then they're off to Maine for Rifle Season. They discuss camp life in NH as well as what they have been seeing for deer sign and current deer movement patterns. As well as the story of how a muzzleloader got broke in HALF! Hope you enjoy this podcast and HAPPY HUNTING! ⛰🦌
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Send your podcast questions to: askmtndeer@gmail.com
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Website: https://mtn-deer.com