Kidney Essentials
This is a podcast for medical students, residents and advanced practitioners at the University of Colorado and beyond...Our Mission with Kidney Essentials:1.Make nephrology more accessible, less intimidating 2.Provide concise nephrology “pearls” in each episode to help listeners understand renal pathophysiology 3.“Making nephrology sexy one episode at a time” Legal disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. The views and statements expressed on this podcast are solely those of the hosts. This podcast should not be used as medical advice or for treatment purposes.
Kidney Essentials
What did you read in 2020 that changed your practice?
Drs. Ambrusio, Blaine and Young discuss articles that most influenced their care of patients with kidney disease in the last year.
Sophia Ambruso DO @Sophia_Kidney, Sarah Young MD @kidneycritic, Judy Blaine MD, Parisa Mortaji, MD