bleed advertising
Creative talk without the Kool-Aid, with Jacque Moodley, Art Director and Ryan Whyte, Graphic Designer.
bleed advertising
What do you get when you put two Art Directors, a Copywriter and a Designer in a room with four microphones?
I wish this was a joke, but it actually happened. The following recording is the result of the aforementioned question. Join Che Newman, Siya Tyali, Jacque Moodley and Ryan Whyte as they attempt to give lessons in advertising. These men might be fully developed in a physical sense, but in emotional and intellectual terms, they remain very much arrested in a state of adolescence.
#bleedadvertising #adlife #agencylife
Featured guests:
Che Newman - @two.che
Siya Tyali - @mattesilver
Hosted by:
Jacque Moodley - @falcone_beats
Ryan Whyte - @yumkaiyan