Civil Procedure

Interview of Adam Sopko. Snap Removal.

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00:00 | 43:53

In this episode, I interview Adam Sopko. Adam Sopko is (or was then) a third-year law student and the editor-in-chief of the Northwestern Law Review. In this episode Adam offers advice about adjusting to law school. We then discuss at some length the topic of snap removal and his law review article about the subject. Snap removal refers to the forum defendant rule of 1441(b)(2). Because that statute prevents removal only by forum defendants who have been properly "joined and served," some defendants remove otherwise-unremovable cases by filing the notice of removal before the forum defendant has been served. "Snap" refers to the fact that the notice of removal might be filed mere minutes after the action was filed in state court. Near the end of the episode, Adam also offers very good advice for students who are writing law review notes. 

This interview was recorded July 29, 2020.