The BLOC Podcast
The BLOC (Building Learning and Organizational Culture) Podcast is a useful learning and development podcast where Dr Heidi Kirby talks to professionals in the field who are passionate about finding creative, innovative ways to bring learning front and center at their organizations and beyond.
The BLOC Podcast
94: Job Interview Assignments for L&D Professionals
In this episode, inspired in part by my new friend Molly's LinkedIn post about undergoing 10 job interviews for a contract L&D position, I talk about the dreaded job interview assignment.
This episode is both for job seekers and hiring managers because I give best practices for what you should be looking for in a job interview assignment, including the following:
- Every job interview should be part of a structured process that is clearly communicated to candidates. This is what we DO as L&D professionals, we should be clearly communicating up front how many interviews, if there's an assignment, and the goal start date of the candidate.
- If given, job interview assignments should NOT be arbitrary - the assignment should clearly align with its purpose and HAVE a purpose. Is the purpose to show proficiency with a particular tool? Then, it should do that. It shouldn't be "create a 30-minute eLearning module on the topic of your choice" because that's what their portfolio is for.
- If the assignment is going to take the candidate more than 3 hours, it should be paid. Also, you should never use a candidate's work or ask for source files.
If a job interview assignment feels icky, you should trust your gut!
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