The J Word: A Podcast by Journalism Practice

The J Word 5.5: What's Journalism Practice Research?

October 04, 2022 Season 5 Episode 5
The J Word 5.5: What's Journalism Practice Research?
The J Word: A Podcast by Journalism Practice
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The J Word: A Podcast by Journalism Practice
The J Word 5.5: What's Journalism Practice Research?
Oct 04, 2022 Season 5 Episode 5

With aims of inclusivity and transparency, in this episode, Editor-in-Chief Bonnie Brennen talks us through what the journal, Journalism Practice, publishes. Our discussion walks through what our editors and reviewers hope to see in terms of submissions, theories that authors engage with, and what is meant to intersect theory and practice. Some of what we have to say about the behind-the-scenes of academic publishing will certainly resonate with other journals and academic places, and we hope it is a way to demystify how things work – at least in terms of the research we hope to publish at Journalism Practice.


Produced and hosted by Robert (Ted) Gutsche, Jr.

Give feedback to the podcast on Twitter @JournPractice or email

Show Notes

With aims of inclusivity and transparency, in this episode, Editor-in-Chief Bonnie Brennen talks us through what the journal, Journalism Practice, publishes. Our discussion walks through what our editors and reviewers hope to see in terms of submissions, theories that authors engage with, and what is meant to intersect theory and practice. Some of what we have to say about the behind-the-scenes of academic publishing will certainly resonate with other journals and academic places, and we hope it is a way to demystify how things work – at least in terms of the research we hope to publish at Journalism Practice.


Produced and hosted by Robert (Ted) Gutsche, Jr.

Give feedback to the podcast on Twitter @JournPractice or email