The J Word: A Podcast by Journalism Practice
What is journalism? How can we make it better? What does "better" look like? We talk about some of these questions -- and answer them -- in our discussions with academics and professionals who've published recently in Journalism Practice. We focus on meanings of advancing digital technologies in journalism, social issues and conditions that journalists (need to) cover, and the future of the field. Articles featured in the episodes are temporarily made free access for citizens, journalists, scholars, and students. While the discussions are rooted in research, they are approached to influence practice. The podcast is hosted and produced by Robert (Ted) Gutsche, Jr., a former journalist, Associate Editor at Journalism Practice, an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Critical Digital Media Practice at Lancaster University in the U.K. and Visiting Professor at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. Follow him on Twitter @RobertGutscheJr and the podcast @JournPractice or email us with ideas and feedback at jwordpodcast@gmail.com.
The J Word: A Podcast by Journalism Practice
The J Word 4.10: Instagramming the News
Season 4
Episode 10
Today, we are joined by Jonathan Hendrickx, from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, who talks about news outlets in Belgium using Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to engage with youth. From Finland, Niina Sormanen, at the University of Jyväskylä, shares similar practices of using Instagram by a young women’s magazine to address issues of self-discovery, agency, and representation. And from Australia, Diana Bossio, at Swinburne University, shares her work on how journalists are represented – and represent themselves on the Instagram platform.
Text Featured in this Episode:
Produced and hosted by Robert (Ted) Gutsche, Jr.
Give feedback to the podcast on Twitter @JournPractice or email jwordpodcast@gmail.com