Interviews with Technical People
Interviews with Technical People is a podcast that discusses a unique STEM topic each episode through interviews with people participating in those fields. Join us as we broaden our knowledge horizons through dialogue with experts in various fields, hosted by John Robertson and James Havu. Follow our updates on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/InterviewsWithTechnicalPeople.
If you would like to contact us, feel free to e-mail us at interviewswithtechnicalpeople@gmail.com
Interviews with Technical People
Ep 28: Gordon Patterson: Mosquito Control
Today we are joined by the one and only Dr. Gordon Patterson, professor of history at the Florida Institute of Technology and one of the world's experts on the history of Mosquito control, especially in Florida. We talk about Mosquitoes, the long quest to control them, and how Dr. Patterson found a treasure trove of information about the history of this campaign right here in Florida. Plus, a bonus conversation about what its like to teach humanities to a bunch of engineers.
More information on professor Patterson:
Master Teachers https://now.fit.edu/2019/03/12/six-faculty-members-named-master-teachers/#.XUBRfuhKiUk
Teaching philosophy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPBu5GC4hf0
Photo Credit: Gordon Patterson