Interviews with Technical People
Interviews with Technical People is a podcast that discusses a unique STEM topic each episode through interviews with people participating in those fields. Join us as we broaden our knowledge horizons through dialogue with experts in various fields, hosted by John Robertson and James Havu. Follow our updates on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/InterviewsWithTechnicalPeople.
If you would like to contact us, feel free to e-mail us at interviewswithtechnicalpeople@gmail.com
Interviews with Technical People
Ep 33: Dr. Allison Feibus: Urology
Today we are joined by Dr. Allison Feibus, a urology resident at UF Health: Jacksonville. Join us as we dive into what it means to be a urologist, and how modern urologists perform their surgical procedures. In particular, we discuss the Da Vinci "robot", a surgical tool that enables robotic surgery controlled by a surgeon on a console. Urologists were among the first to adopt this tool, and it is an interesting glimpse into the state-of-the-art of surgical techniques, as well as a preview of what future surgical innovations will look like.
Follow Dr. Feibus on twitter: twitter.com/allisonfeibus
Interested in urology? Check out the American Urological Association
Check out some videos below on the Da Vinci Robot, amazing technology:
Da Vinci Surgery: How it Works
Da Vinci Robot Stitches a Grape Back Together