Interviews with Technical People

Ep 33: Dr. Allison Feibus: Urology

John and James Season 1 Episode 34

Today we are joined by Dr. Allison Feibus, a urology resident at UF Health: Jacksonville.  Join us as we dive into what it means to be a urologist, and how modern urologists perform their surgical procedures.  In particular, we discuss the Da Vinci "robot", a surgical tool that enables robotic surgery controlled by a surgeon on a console.  Urologists were among the first to adopt this tool, and it is an interesting glimpse into the state-of-the-art of surgical techniques, as well as a preview of what future surgical innovations will look like. 

Follow Dr. Feibus on twitter:

Interested in urology?  Check out the American Urological Association

Check out some videos below on the Da Vinci Robot, amazing technology:
Da Vinci Surgery: How it Works
Da Vinci Robot Stitches a Grape Back Together