Help and Hope Happen Here
This Podcast is going to be about Pediatric Cancer and the need to keep the awareness of this terrible disease in the public eye. My plan is to be able to interview a wide spectrum of people who all have a passion and a stake in finding a way to make the lives of these Pediatric Cancer Patients easier. I will interview oncologists, nurses, recovered patients, parents who have had to oversee their children's cancer fight, heads of Pediatric Cancer Foundations and Organizations , and others who would like to use this forum to advocate for these children.
Help and Hope Happen Here
Jonathan Agin, Gavin Lindberg, and Dr. Mark Miller will talk about the upcoming Childhood Cancer Prevention Symposium which will be taking place in February in Houston, Texas.
Mark Levine
Season 5
Episode 410
Beginning on February 10th and proceeding into February 13th, Texas Children's Hospital will be hosting the 2nd Childhood Cancer Prevention Symposium. Many critical topics in the Childhood Cancer Community will be discussed during this symposium beginning with the Keynote Speaker address from Dan Fagin, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of the book Tom's River, a Story of Science and Salvation. His book discusses one of the biggest environmental disasters in history on the coast of New Jersey. This disaster caused many children to develop different forms of cancer. His address will begin the Symposium and the word PREVENTION will play a major role and theme in the 2 1/2 day conference.