The Indian Dream

Can Indian Brands Go Global | Empowering Indian MSMEs | Akshay Ghulati, Co-Founder, Shiprocket

Sahil & Siddharth Season 1 Episode 164

About time that Indian Direct to Consumer Brands make a global impact...

I talk to Akshay Ghulati - Co-Founder of Shiprocket, who is currently working with many Indian D2C Brands to help them go global!

Episode Timeline:

(00:00) - Introduction to ShiprocketX & Indian D2C brands going global
(03:01) - Why should Indian brands go global now? 
(07:21) - Experience of taking a Indian brand global.
(19:13) - The product market fit on successful Indian brands in the global market
(24:08) - How to select the marketplaces or which market you want to sell in?
(27:45) - What’s the mindset with the pricing?
(30:01) - Possibilities with the upside of global selling 
(33:04) - Pushback from the entrepreneurs 
(36:49) - Compliance laws of selling oversees
(41:52) - The segments who will want to take the brand global
(42:56) - High potential categories to get high global success
(48:22) - What are the opportunities to build agency type of businesses in this ecosystem?
(52:18) - What are the steps I need to take to run an experiment of taking my brand global?

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