Stop Drinking Podcast by Soberclear

This KILLS Alcohol Cravings In 3 Seconds

Leon Sylvester

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In today's podcast I will be breaking down how you can kill your alcohol cravings for good! If you're on your journey to sobriety then this episode is a must listen.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Stop Drinking Podcast, where we help you make stopping drinking a simple, logical and easy decision. We help you with tips, tools and strategies to start living your best life when alcohol-free. If you want to learn more about stop drinking coaching, then head over to wwwsoberclearcom. Alcohol cravings. When it comes to stopping or reducing your drinking, beating cravings is the most important thing, and in this video, I'm going to show you a three second technique to beating any craving that you're ever going to get. This is how I've not drank for over six years and I have no desire to drink, and because this three second technique is so powerful, I have not had a single alcohol craving. Now, I know that sounds a little bit crazy and you might have never heard anybody talk about it like this before, but I promise you, if you watch this video in full, cravings will be a thing of the past. So we first need to understand where cravings come from. So it all starts with a thought and because we live in a world that is dominated by alcohol, it's in every supermarket we go down, it's in every restaurant we walk into, it's at a concert, a sports game, it's every time we turn on the TV in a movie. It's everywhere. So no matter how long you've not drank for, no matter what method you use, it makes no difference. Everybody thinks about alcohol, including me. Why? Because we're reminded by it all the time. It's pushed on us 24-7. It's pushed on you, it's pushed on your children and there's nothing we can do about it. There isn't going to be another prohibition or anything like that. There's too much money in it. And even me, living in the Middle East, living in Dubai, I go to restaurants. There's alcohol there, even in a place where alcohol is not as widely available as other countries. But we need to understand that every single craving starts with a thought and it will go something like oh beer, oh wine, oh, look at that person having a cocktail on the beach. But what happens next will either make or break you, because a craving is all based on a feeling, and that feeling is a feeling of missing out. I've not thought about alcohol for probably a year, but I have sporadic thoughts that just pop into my head.

Speaker 1:

The first year of not drinking it was a lot more frequent, but after not drinking for six years it becomes fewer and far between. But the last time it happened to me I was in Dubai. I was walking down the beach and I saw a Stella Artois logo and then a beer garden and people had this very specific glass that I actually used to drink like water out of when I was a kid. But it was like this Stella Artois glass and I smelled the beer and I was like, oh, beer. But what I did next made the difference. What I didn't do, and what most people do, is I didn't look at those drinkers and feel this feeling of whoa, doesn't that look nice, being able to have a sit down and having a joke around with your friends. Doesn't that look fun? No, I didn't think that way. I didn't look at it and think, if I drink, that my life's going to be better.

Speaker 1:

The 10 years that I struggled to stop drinking for that's exactly how I would have felt. I would have walked past those people and I would have felt extreme FOMO. I would have felt like, oh, why am I even doing this? Why am I stopping drinking when they're able to have a good time? And then I'd have this battle in my mind and, before you know it, the craving's there. It hits me, and I'm not very good at dealing with cravings, right, if I get a craving. The likelihood is is I'm going to follow it through, which is why I need to show you what, with a thought, then went to that feeling of missing out, and then, before you know it, I've got a craving, and then it's almost like I'm possessed. There's nothing I can do about it. It happened to me on a New Year's Eve party where everybody was drinking, having a good time, and I started thinking the reason why they're having a good time is because they're drinking, and it's just totally not true. So what's the difference? Why do I not get cravings now? Well, I have fixed my paradigm when it comes to alcohol.

Speaker 1:

For 10 years, I saw alcohol as something that made life better, something enjoyable, something fun and relaxing, and that has just completely switched. You know, when I walked past those people drinking, when they were sat in the beer garden, I didn't feel like, wow, look at them having a good time. I thought, man, I just wish you could see how good your life could be if you didn't drink. Like I've genuinely felt sorry for them. I looked at them and I thought, man, like don't you understand? You're going to wake up tomorrow, even if you only have two pints. You're going to wake up tomorrow. You're not going to feel 100%. You know you're not going to be there the same way that you would be for your family. Your workout might suffer a little bit, you might eat a bit more junk food and that couple of drinks is going. Wish they could get a taste of how my life has been for the past six years. That's how I felt.

Speaker 1:

I felt genuinely sorry for them, because I don't see alcohol as something that makes my life better. I've totally reframed my worldview. So the three-second technique that I was talking about earlier is I'll get that thought and within a split second I'm feeling this feeling of I don't need to do that anymore, I'm done. Do you see the difference? Now, whilst that's a three-second technique that works 100% of the time, it only works because that's built on a foundation of education, of understanding, of changing my belief systems. That took a lot more work.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you want help doing that, there are two options. The first option is you can click the link in the description to watch a free video training that shows you how to reframe the way you view alcohol, and the other option is to head over to the website SoberClearcom to read about the program, the reframing, how we actually do it, and then, if you think it's a good match, you can click one of the links on the website to book a call. But just remember this one thing you're not missing out on anything. Alcohol is a poison. It does nothing for you. It never has, it never will, it can't. It's a drink. Thanks for checking Stop Drinking. Podcast by Sober Clear. If you want to learn more about how we work with people to

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