Build up in Christ
This podcast is all about Discipleship & building up in Christ. Teaching stewardship, leadership & encouraging believers in Christ. As well as introducing Christ to those who might not know Him.
Build up in Christ
Bible Does not say: Prosperity gospel
The belief that God wants all believers to be healthy, wealthy, and comfortable is an extrabiblical belief that is contradicted by the Scriptures. We are not promised that our lives will be free of suffering in this life. However, we are promised that we will not face pain or suffering on our own.
Application Point: Our ever-shifting circumstances are not in themselves proof of God’s love or disappointment. Rather, they are an opportunity to look for him in every season of life, giving thanks for every blessing both big and small, and trusting that he will safely guide us through every high and low point we experience.
Recommended reading:
Urban Apologetics: Cults and Cultural Ideologies. by Dr. Eric Mason
God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel by Costi Hinn