Build up in Christ

Pressing on in the light of His return

Pastor Darby Paris Season 3 Episode 2

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Text: Hebrews 10:23-29; Hebrews 10:35-36; Hebrews 11:1-6; Hebrews 12:1–13; Hebrews 12:18-29

Topics: Destination, Goal, Motivation

Big Idea of the Message: Never lose sight of the destination: Jesus.

Application Point: Losing sight of your goal can make it harder to accomplish. What is the goal of your faith?

There are 3 groups of Christians addressed in the book of Hebrews:

1.    Wavering: those who received Jesus as Savior but who are uninvolved & doing bare minimal in their commitment. The writer encourages them out the spiritual couch potato to press on! (Heb 10:23-24)

2.    Group in Danger: 2nd & 3rd Gen Christians who have grown up in church. They can shoot off bible verses & say the right words, but never made their parents faith their own. Its possible to know a lot about the bible & just go through the motions of the Christian experience & still not have real Faith in Jesus. (Heb 10:26-29)

3.    Those that are tired: People fully committed to Christ, but tired & discouraged. To them the book of Hebrews brings encouragement & refreshment. (Heb 10:35-36)

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