Tech Disputes Network (TDN) – Need to Know Basis

Patent Infringement on the Grounds of Public Interest - Michael Silverleaf QC

This podcast concerns the issue of patent infringement on the grounds of public interest, considered in light of two recent High Court decisions, Ipcom v Vodafone and Evalve v Edwards. In addition to being of importance to IP practitioners, the issue of patent infringement on the grounds of public interest may have, for example, potential to be of interest to policymakers and others in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, which might provide a motive for patent infringement in relation to novel, expensive and scarce pharmaceutical products. This podcast is presented by Michael Silverleaf QC of 11 South Square. Michael is one of the country's leading IP silks and has appeared in a large number of leading patent cases over the course of the last three decades, in addition to acting as Treasury counsel on patents-related matters for many years.