Nursing Australia
Nursing Australia
Ep 61. Diagnosis: CA (Cancer)
Nursing Australia presents:
The latest Nursing Australia News (03:51)
Barriers down to RU-486 access, Monkeypox (Mpox) reemerges, Hookworms to treat diabetes, and a nurse immortalized in bronze.
Segment 1: Blood in your pee? See your GP (06:08)
Delve into the world of a lower profile cancer type. What cancer has the highest chance of recurrence? What cancer is the most expensive to treat? And, what cancer type survival rates have failed to improve in the past decade?
Visit the BEAT Bladder Cancer Australia website
Segment 2: Pink Hope – Gene faults & familial cancer links (18:52)
Discover gene-faults and their links to hereditary cancers
This segment get you thinking? Find out more here
iPrevent™ is a breast cancer risk assessment and risk management decision support tool designed to facilitate prevention and screening discussions. CLICK to discover!
Next time on Nursing Australia (35:19)
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Hosted by: Matthew St Ledger, Mitch Wall & Katherine Fullagar
Produced by: Leith Alexander & Matthew St Ledger