Nursing Australia
Nursing Australia
Ep 62. Lungs, Hearts & Minds 🌬️❤️🧠
This episode of Nursing Australia presents:
The latest Nursing Australia News (01:00)
Virtual reality nursing for remote communities, Letby case spurs inquiry, and unlocking Australia nurse potential.
Segment 1: Asthma Spring Fling (03:38)
Lightning may dazzle in the sky, but beneath the clouds, these powerful storms can trigger unexpected health challenges for some. Tune in as we explore the science behind thunderstorm asthma, the connection with allergies, and what you can do to stay safe when the elements collide.
Check out the National Asthma Council of Australia by clicking here
Segment 2: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Guidelines (12:19)
The newest iteration of guidelines for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk, and a CVD risk calculator have been launched, marking a major milestone in CVD prevention in the Australian population. Nursing Australia sat down with Jade Cartwright to discuss. Jade is a Chronic Health Nurse working in a North East Victorian Community embedded General Practice. Jade has been operating a nurse led clinic for clients with chronic and complex conditions for 8 years and has a background in critical care, respiratory science and district nursing.
Visit cvdcheck.org.au to find out more.
Segment 3: Child Mental Health (20:40)
Discover more at: Child Information Sharing Scheme
And you can join APNA's online community of practice here
The Victorian Government supports the Child Information Sharing Capacity Building Grants Program.
Next time on Nursing Australia (28:30)
The General Practice Conference and Exhibition (GPCE) is Australia’s leading CPD event and is well placed to assist you in meeting your CPD requirements.
Registration is now open for GPCE Melbourne, where you can earn up to 21 CPD hours on a Session Pass over 3-days.
It’s really, that easy.
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Hosted by: Matthew St Ledger, Mitch Wall & Katherine Fullagar
Produced by: Leith Alexander & Matthew St Ledger