Nursing Australia
Nursing Australia
Ep 66. The Calling 📞
The first installment of Nursing Australia for 2024 is here! Dive into Season 4 of Australia's favourite nursing podcast with The Calling. Step inside the world of two nurses as they share their inspiring journeys, navigating and transitioning nursing.
Plus, in the latest healthcare news: STI spike, new year vaping reforms, and mycoplasma trending up.
The latest Nursing Australia News (01:01)
STI spike, new year vaping reforms, and mycoplasma trending up.
Segment 1. Transition to Practice: Sophie's Story (03:00)
Sophie is a Nurse Practitioner working in General Practice. With the assistance of APNA's Transition to Practice Program (TPP), her mentor Helen, and a desire to pursue a career with compassion, Sophie went from international student to RN to NP.
Segment 2. Kate's Story (16:53)
Producer Leith was in Norseman in remote Western Australia recently and met Kate. Kate is a nurse and moonlights as the local school chaplain. This is Kate's story.
About Norseman: a small town in the Goldfields region of WA. Situated 800km east of Perth, it is home to dry salt lakes, red dirt, native fauna and a very hot climate. It's the last town before the SA border.
Next time on Nursing Australia (30:31)
The podcast will return to the first Monday of every month from February 5, 2024.
Handy links:
Subscribe to The Connect (our weekly e-newsletter)
Discover APNA's Transition to Practice Program
Check out APNA's latest online learning modules HERE
Hosted by: Matthew St Ledger, Mitch Wall & Katherine Fullagar
Produced by: Leith Alexander & Matthew St Ledger