PwC's Next in Health
Co -hosted by Glenn Hunzinger, US Health Industries leader, and Jennifer Colapietro, Consulting Commercial Leader, the Next in Health podcast series offers insights on the most important issues facing pharma, medtech and healthcare. PwC business leaders discuss the latest trends and their impact on health industries, whether it’s policy, AI, innovation, care delivery, business model reinvention or bold moves for the future. If it’s happening in health industries, we’re talking about it.
PwC's Next in Health
PwC's U.S. Healthcare Consumer Insights and Engagement Survey
Tune in as authors of PwC's U.S. Healthcare Consumer Insights and Engagement Survey discuss key findings and provide insights into understanding consumer concerns around healthcare costs, the adoption of tech-enabled healthcare, trust in the healthcare system and how we can take action.
Key topics include:
- The survey's background, focus and objectives that will address ongoing consumer concerns and distrust in the healthcare system
- Generational and financial differences reveal significant disparities in healthcare experiences and engagement amongst various age groups
- Notable key statistics and insights on consumer behavior and perceptions related to trust, affordability, delayed care and digital health across the health ecosystem
- Considerations for healthcare stakeholders to enhance care delivery and to address the evolving needs of diverse patient populations
Thom Bales, Health Services Leader, PwC
Keith Fengler, Customer Service and Channels Lead, PwC,
Omar Chane, Principal, PwC.
Jenny Colapietro, Consulting Commercial Leader, PwC
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For more information, please visit us at: https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/health-industries/health-research-institute/next-in-health-podcast.html.