ASRS's Retina Health for Life
ASRS's Retina Health for Life
Understanding Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetes is a major public health issue and every person diagnosed with diabetes is at risk of developing diabetic eye disease. Diabetic macular edema is a common complication of diabetic eye disease, which occurs when blood vessels in the retina are damaged and leak fluid into the macula causing blurry central vision. On this episode of ASRS's Retina Health for Life, Dr. Diana Do of the Byers Eye Institute at the Stanford University School of Medicine joins Dr. Timothy Murray to discuss the importance of early diagnosis and immediate treatment of diabetic macular edema by a retina specialist which can prevent irreversible vision loss and blindness.
Access a downloadable fact sheet on Diabetic Macular Edema here: www.asrs.org/patients/retinal-diseases/20/macular-edema