Blazing Paddles - A Pickleball Podcast

The Pandemic of Mental Health with Amelia Wilcox

John & Karen / Amelia Wilcox Season 4 Episode 2

Yep, there's that "P word" again...I don't think any of us believe we have seen the complete fallout from two years of social isolation, lockdowns and mandates. Oh, and a novel coronavirus.

The numbers aren't encouraging, friends. It's estimated that while 1 in every 4 people struggle with a diagnosable mental illness - only half of those seek help. Whether it's part of the illness, the stigma of asking for help or a lack of resources is inconsequential. The fact is millions of American workers are suffering in silence. Human Resources seems to be particularly vulnerable, as it's estimated that 98% of HR professionals have experienced burnout in the last 6-12 months.

Meet Amelia Wilcox, Founder and CEO of Nivati, a company that provides employee stress management tools that arm businesses with tools to address wellbeing, morale, and engagement with employees. Her story is an amazing example of addressing a gap in employee needs, but of a leader who is nimble and unafraid - Amelia's venture previously went from $6M in revenues to ZERO within ten days of the COVID pandemic.

Amelia and can assist you in an audit of your company's offering(s) for employees needing the resources that can help them address the mental stress from which they are suffering. Just as important is the ability to discuss these issues with employees, identify the signals, and remove the stigma carried by the term "mental illness."

So get your ears on and listen to this episode of HR Hardball.

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HR Hardball, the podcast was launched in October, 2020 to explore the connection between Human Behavior and Human Resources. HR Hardball, the blog first appeared in October of 2013 ~ please explore and celebrate the entire catalogue. The opinions and views expressed on HR Hardball are those of John & Karen Whitaker and do not represent our professional employers.

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