Blazing Paddles - A Pickleball Podcast

Saving Humanity with Debbie Cohen & Kate Roeske-Zummer

John Reaves Whitaker / Debbie Cohen, Kate Roeske-Zummer Season 2 Episode 20

Is that too much to ask? Could we all just agree that humanity is worth saving and that each of us has the power to make a positive impact by starting with the ourselves? Need a little inspiration? Hit it Michael....

Meet Debbie and Kate, two long-time collaborators in the pursuit of positive change and first-time authors. On this episode we talk high level about some of the key behaviors needed in our personal development if we want to effect a change. Their book, "Humanity Works Better; 5 Practices to Lead with Awareness, Choice and the Courage to Change" drops on October 26th, 2021 offers the very practical (dare I say "simple?") decisions we can make every day to make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of those around us in the workplace. 

Their company, Humanity Works (picking up a trend here?) helps leaders avoid toxic work cultures and burnout from employees. If this was already an issue in 2019, think about how magnified those issues are in today's pandemic life. Employees everywhere are voting with their feet as the "Great Resignation" has seen 11.5 Million workers resign in just the last three months (April, May, June 2021). 

They think that efficiency and productivity need to rank below creating an environment where "good humans" want to work ~ and more importantly, stay. "Draw out the best vs. squeeze out the most" - how's that for a bumper sticker?

Whether you're in Operations or Human Resources, this book (and this pod) has something for you. So get your ears on and have a listen as we begin saving humanity on HR Hardball.

Harvard Business Review Article - "With So Many People Quitting, Don't Forget Those Who Stay"

Debbie Cohen on LinkedIn

Kate Roeske-Zummer on LinkedIn

Humanity Works on LinkedIn

Need some more HR Hardball in your day? Check out a few episodes below...y'all come back now, y'hear?

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