Take Heart

Navigating Misunderstanding: Breaking Down Walls and Building Connections

Amy J Brown, Carrie Holt and Sara Clime Season 4 Episode 157
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00:00 | 10:10

Do you ever feel like people just don't get it? We've all had those experiences - whether it's strangers at the grocery store or even our closest friends not understanding our journey as special needs parents. Amy shares some practical things you can do to bridge the divide and navigate the challenges of being misunderstood. We don’t want to stay isolated because of other people’s lack of awareness. Amy encourages us to continue the quest for connection.

Key Moments:

[2:25] Comparing a difficult child to a dog?

[4:39] Shifting our perspective

[6:00] Let’s calm down, being a nonanxious person

[8:30] Give them a glimpse into your life

A Curious Pursuit of Christ: Jamie Harper 

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