Take Heart

Making Assumptions

Amy J Brown, Carrie Holt and Sara Clime Season 4 Episode 158
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00:00 | 14:56

As parents of special needs kids, we have felt the weight of being misunderstood. In this episode, Carrie shares her experience with people who have made assumptions about us or our children and how it affects us as parents. She explains three things she wishes people understood about her parenting journey and three ways to handle ourselves when we have been misunderstood. Experiencing this life can be lonely, and this episode will give you some practical ways to manage the complex feelings that come. 

Ep.158: February 13, 2024
Key Moments:
[0:52} A hospital experience I’ll never forget
[5:08] Our grief is just as heavy as losing someone
[8:22] Is this assumption worth addressing?
[9:58] Assume the best intent, ask questions before assuming
[11:25] Our reaction may not be about the offender

Scriptures mentioned: Exodus 14:14; Isaiah 53
No Other King

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