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Ep. 104 Murder WITH a Body- Suzanne Morphew's Body Found!

October 06, 2023 Hebets & McCallin PC

Colin and Russ pick up where they left Episodes 61 and 74 in their discussion of the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew.   After 3.5 years, her body was found on Sept. 22, 2023.  Her husband, Barry Morphew, was previously charged with her murder, but that case was dismissed by the district attorney over a year ago.  What does the discovery of the body mean?  Who will prosecute any case arising from the discovery of the body?  Will embattled DA Linda Stanley get this case back, or will a new DA take over?  Will Barry get charged again?  Does his $15 million lawsuit against Chaffee County still go forward?  We answer all of these questions and more, plus a new Is This Legal and DCOTW!  Check it out!