WIL Talk (Women in Leadership Talk)

WIL Talk #138 Amber McCue, Business Consultant

Vicki Bradley

How do you get more done by doing less? Join us for a conversation with Amber McCue as she shares her best on how to do just that. Amber has a background in corporate consulting and studied at John Hopkins Organization Development MBA. Putting all things “How to Clone Yourself” to work, she grew her first business from a side hustle to a multi-million dollar company and operated in 26 US cities. 

During our conversation dive into how after 15 years she shifted her career to create space to have a family and begin this journey of change and evolution. She worked on how to work smart and not hard as she built her businesses and her family. We dive into some of the challenges that women face especially as it pertains to the “invisible workload”, we just do it and make sure things run as they should but there can be a price if we don’t leverage our strengths. Amber shares how she uses her key strengths of achiever and adaptability to help her navigate but also a skill she has developed over time which is coming from a space of optimism. 

She offers some great examples of how life gets messy and the importance of reminding yourself of your values and checking in to see if you are in alignment with those values. She provides some great tips on how to break down that massive to-do list by either,  doing it, delegating it, or deleting it. Your choice and so important to get to that place that you feel no guilt or shame. Building in margin becomes key to shifting our view on how we work and again she shares many great examples of how to shift the reality.

 One example is with managing your calendar: 

  1. What do you have control over? 
  2. How do you build in the margin, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually?
  3. Research and educate others about building in the margin. Many resources are available.

Those are just a few of the examples she shares. Let us know your thoughts on this episode. You can find Amber on LI, IG, FB or YouTube.

If you are ready to unleash your full potential as a leader, join us for our fall cohort. To learn more, visit our website at www.wilempowered.com. This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance your power skills, learn more about your strengths, and how to put them to work.