The Morrissey Exchange
Morrissey Group advisors Ben Morrissey and Alex Henderson aim to present and exchange ideas on the relevant finance and investment news, and what it means for investors. Tune in fortnightly for the latest economic commentary and ideas.
The Morrissey Exchange
The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Rebels with a Community cause
Thank you for joining us for Season 4, Episode 3 of The Morrissey Exchange; Rebels with a Community cause. In this Episode, we take a different tack and discuss the topic of Leadership with Melbourne Rebels Coach Kevin Foote and Captain Michael Wells.
There are leaders across all areas of life; business, sport, arts, academia. Wherever there is human activity, there is someone taking lead.
I really enjoyed this discussion as it is not often one gets to sit down with top line sporting professionals and have them talk about their own attributes honestly; and what made them who they are.
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