Mom, Start a Business!
Are you an ambitious mom with a God-sized dream?
Want to think about something other than the constant stream of dishes, diapers, and dinner prep?
Is being home and present with your kids a top priority, but you also want something for yourself?
> Something that allows you to pursue YOUR passions.
> Something that allows you to make money and contribute to the family budget.
> And something that allows you to make an impact outside the walls of your home.
Maybe you've tried starting a mommy blog or a network marketing business (ie. MLM or social selling). Or maybe you've tried doing virtual assistant work or even coaching. But with all the people out there telling you how to make money from home, you're feeling overwhelmed and confused about what will actually work for a mom like you. A mom who doesn't want to be glued to her phone, recruiting her friends from high school, or taking client calls 24/7.
Every week on the Mom, Start a Business podcast, your host Cami Langston along with other successful mom entrepreneurs will share the behind-the-scenes of what it really takes to start and grow an online business with little ones at home. You'll hear interviews, on-air coaching, and how-to lessons centered around answering questions like these:
> What type of business is best? Service-based, ecomm, digital products, courses, coaching, etc.?
> What software should I use to start an email list, build a funnel, sell a course?
> Should I start a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel, or is Instagram or TikTok enough?
> Where do I start if I don't have an audience?
> How do I find time to work with kids at home?
> And so many more!
Have a question you want answered? DM Cami on Instagram @momstartabusiness
Starting and growing a business as a busy mom is not easy, and it will not be perfect..But together, it is possible. Around here, the motto is “Done is better than perfect.” So I invite you to hit subscribe, grab that load of laundry to fold, and stick around as we take small actions towards our big goals.
Mom, Start a Business!
Welcome Back to Mom, Start a Business!
Welcome back to the podcast friends! After a loooong break from recording, I am back with more inspirational interviews with amazing mom entrepreneurs as well as super practical tips to help you start and grow your online business as a busy mom.
In this short episode, I share about where I've been, what's been going on since we last chatted, and my big vision for the podcast going forward.
💌Connect with me on Instagram @momstartabusiness
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Welcome back to the moms. Start a business podcast. I'm your host Cammie lincston and I am so excited to be back with you after a long hiatus from recording. First, I want to say thank you to all of you who have stuck around. And to those of you that have still been listening during the break, I really do appreciate every single download. So thank you. So you may be wondering where I've been and why I haven't been recording. Well, to be honest, the break started out as a break for this summer while the kids were home. And then it just kept going. The title of the last episode that I recorded was the ebb and flow of motherhood in business. And what I spoke about in that episode really was true for what was going on in the last few years, there were ebbs and flows. There were seasons of more focus on family and seasons of more focus on business. But even during those seasons of focus on business, it wasn't a time. To focus on the podcast. I really just wasn't sure how I wanted the podcast to fit into my business. And honestly, There were other parts of the business that needed my time. And attention, they needed it more. And so the, the podcast just kind of got put on the back burner. So since we have been talking on here last though, a lot has changed. I now have an almost eight year old. And a six-year-old who are both in school. Full-time like, can we get a moment for just like all the praise hands there? Obviously, I love spending time with my children. But man, isn't nice to have lots of consistent, dedicated time to work without loud. And sometimes needy children running around the house, making lots of noise and needing things. Now don't get me wrong. Momming is still my top priority and what I spend a lot of my time doing. But having that extra dedicated time to work has made the idea of getting back to the podcast much more doable. And I also have just a much clear vision for where this podcast fits into the mix and why I'm starting it back up now. And that's what I want to chat about in this short little first episode back. So I want to talk about like, where are we going? What can you expect going forward? So before we look forward, though, I want to take a look back at the very beginning. So almost seven years ago. The Lord, put an idea, a dream, a desire, a vision, a calling in my heart. And after launching my first online course. Around a unique skill that I had when people actually paid me for it. I just knew immediately. That I wanted to share what was possible with other moms. I wanted other moms to know that they could take something that they were gifted in, package it up and sell it online. They didn't need to join a network marketing company. They didn't need to buy a.$500 course that comes with reseller rights. They didn't need to start an in-home daycare, right? Like they could take something that they were uniquely gifted at, package it up into some sort of digital offer and sell it online. And that's where it kind of all began, but over the years, there have been lots of. Different iterations of what that has looked like. And there's been lots of bumps along the way. I've had times of dragging my feet because of imposter syndrome and feeling like, who am I to do this? I've had times of sprinting like going all out, but that then ended in me like slamming on the brakes because I felt selfish for pursuing my big dreams and taking away time from my family. Or again, just that like, who am I to do this? Right. I I'm a stay at home. Mom. I should be focusing on that. Right. There's been lots of times of overwhelm and confusion, trying to figure out what the best path forward is and what I should be focusing on. But through it all, I have kept this dream of helping thousands of women start and grow their businesses online. And over the years it's really even morphed and grown and become much more meaningful. Than just helping them start a business to make money. In my vision. I see thousands of women, specifically Christian moms with young kids who are pursuing their dreams that God has put in their hearts. And because of the bins, businesses that they're growing, they are able to bless their families and bless their communities and bless their audience that they're serving and even bless generations to come. I recently was at a women's weekend at my church, endearing some, some time alone. I was really just wrestling with the Lord. About pursuing this dream of reaching thousands of women, of being more visible of. Really making this a big movement. Movement. And I was talking to God about how, I don't want this to be about me. I don't want this to be about vanity. I don't want this to be about money. I want this to be about bringing glory to him. But I fear that in pursuing, growing this vision and which in turn means that I need to grow my audience. And like I said, be, be more visible. Put myself out there more. I am fearful that my prideful nature will take over and that it will become. About, numbers and, and more money and more status or more success. And so I asked the Lord to just make it really clear that this vision was from him and that this really was what I was supposed to be pursuing. Who else? He did. He made it clear. During the next session during our weekend and older lady got up to share. And here's kind of the gist of what she said. She said, I woke up this morning with the word entrepreneur on my heart. Now that word is not normally a word that I think about. I got the sense though, that the Lord was wanting to encourage those women in the room who are dreaming of starting a business or in business. I felt the Lord say, this is the year of the female entrepreneur, 2024 is your year. And she went on to kind of say more and just really encourage the women in the room that had those big dreams that. That it was time that it was time to go after them. And like, as soon as she started, as soon as that word entrepreneur came out of her mouth, Tears just immediately started coming. And I knew that it was me. I knew like it was for me. I knew that the Lord was. Was confirming and speaking to me. And I mean, like, God is just so kind to answer us into give us confirmation. But he didn't stop there. Okay. So I'm also currently reading a book with the young women's group that I lead. And guess what this week's chapter was all about. Not pursuing your dreams because you're afraid of your motives and the attention it may bring to you instead of God. Like literally, that's what it is about. Like what I was praying about what I've been feeling. I was sitting there reading it with my son. He was actually home sick. And so we were. On the couch. He was reading his book. I was reading my book and I literally laughed out loud. And. It was like, God's funny, I just turned to him and was like, that's funny. Just because it was so, so clear. So like it confirming exactly what I've been thinking and dealing with. And, and what I've recognized is that. if, if that's on my heart, if, if truly, if my motives, if, if I'm wrestling with the motives, right. If I am concerned, If I am battling and fighting the, the prideful nature. If I am wanting to do this for the glory of God, then I know that God will do that. I know, like I can't steal his glory. I can't. I'm sure it will be an ongoing, like battle and a surrender and a following his path. But ultimately I know that this is a dream that God has given me and that he wants to use me. To do big things, not me doing big things, but him doing big things through me. So it is my goal. That this podcast will inspire you. And I am inviting you to join me as I run headfirst towards the big dreams that God has laid on my heart. And I want you. to be a part of the thousands of moms who are blessing their families and the world. Through the businesses that you create. Okay. It's my goal, that this will inspire you. That that God will just show you how he's working through other incredible women and how he can work through you. But I also want to. To equip you with really practical tools in how to. start and grow your business. So you can expect interviews with other in incredible ladies that are. They're doing things for the Lord that are pursuing their dreams, you can expect some very tactical, practical episodes on how to get started or different strategies you can use to grow. But I invite you to join me. I invite you to just come along this journey with me. Are you ready to start taking action towards your big vision with me? First hit subscribe to the podcast. So you do not miss any of the new episodes coming your way. And then I'm also starting a new, fresh account on Instagram that is going to be fully dedicated to this vision. I really want to be able to. really lean in and focus on the moms, start a business. Really speaking to, to the Christian mom who has, has a dream on her heart. And so I'm starting a new account aside from like my personal account. And I would love for you to come give me a follow over there. It's at mom's start a business and so hit follow, and then send me a DM and just say I'm in. And I would love to chat with you and just see, how I can support you. Maybe I can help you brainstorm some ideas. Maybe I can give you. A good first step. But I would love to connect with you over there. And then lastly, if you. have a friend who needs to hear that, it's okay for her to pursue her business dreams. Even as a mom, will you please just share this episode with her? Just, hit share wherever you're listening, send her the link so that she can be encouraged as well and join you on this journey. I promise you. Pursuing your dreams. Doing all of this with friends is a lot more fun. All right. And tell him next time.