Mom, Start a Business!
Are you an ambitious mom with a God-sized dream?
Want to think about something other than the constant stream of dishes, diapers, and dinner prep?
Is being home and present with your kids a top priority, but you also want something for yourself?
> Something that allows you to pursue YOUR passions.
> Something that allows you to make money and contribute to the family budget.
> And something that allows you to make an impact outside the walls of your home.
Maybe you've tried starting a mommy blog or a network marketing business (ie. MLM or social selling). Or maybe you've tried doing virtual assistant work or even coaching. But with all the people out there telling you how to make money from home, you're feeling overwhelmed and confused about what will actually work for a mom like you. A mom who doesn't want to be glued to her phone, recruiting her friends from high school, or taking client calls 24/7.
Every week on the Mom, Start a Business podcast, your host Cami Langston along with other successful mom entrepreneurs will share the behind-the-scenes of what it really takes to start and grow an online business with little ones at home. You'll hear interviews, on-air coaching, and how-to lessons centered around answering questions like these:
> What type of business is best? Service-based, ecomm, digital products, courses, coaching, etc.?
> What software should I use to start an email list, build a funnel, sell a course?
> Should I start a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel, or is Instagram or TikTok enough?
> Where do I start if I don't have an audience?
> How do I find time to work with kids at home?
> And so many more!
Have a question you want answered? DM Cami on Instagram @momstartabusiness
Starting and growing a business as a busy mom is not easy, and it will not be perfect..But together, it is possible. Around here, the motto is “Done is better than perfect.” So I invite you to hit subscribe, grab that load of laundry to fold, and stick around as we take small actions towards our big goals.
Mom, Start a Business!
From Food Stamps to a 7-figure Course Business: The Power of Collaboration & Bundles with Kate Doster
In this episode of the Mom, Start a Business! podcast, join Cami as she chats with Kate Doster, a successful entrepreneur who has journeyed from relying on food stamps to crafting a successful 7-figure course business.
Listen to Kate's inspiring story and learn about her unique business approach centered on collaboration and using bundles to grow. Regardless of whether you're a newbie just starting out or a seasoned entrepreneur looking for fresh strategies, this episode is packed with insightful tips and actionable takeaways that can help you level up your email marketing and list growth strategy.
Get over 125 FREE business resources inside of the Back to Business Bundle including my Facebook Group Marketing Toolkit at momstartabusiness.com/b2b
💌Connect with me on Instagram @momstartabusiness
Not sure what you could create to make passive income? Get the Create Your Niche Workbook to help you come up with your next great business idea!
Welcome to another episode of the Mom Startup Business Podcast. I am here with Kate Doster and I am so excited to have her. I have been learning from her for lots of years now have been a part of her programs, taking her courses and learned so much especially in the realm of copywriting, email. just how to use the words and and also a lot around collaboration. So I'm really excited to chat with her and have her here on the podcast. So Kate, do you just want to start and tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do? Oh,
Kate Doster:I thank you so much. So I am super excited to be here. Hey, other moms. I am Kate Doster of katedoster. com. And it is my soul and soul's mission to eradicate this idea that nice people have to finish less than business and put many in the hands of good people. I really tried to attack the topics that are really intimidating for people, which. For a lot of us, it tends to be like writing and sales and really just sort of showing up for yourself consistently. Cause especially as moms, I feel like one, we don't give ourselves enough credit, but two, we always are the first one to throw ourselves under the bus. So it really makes sure that not only am I giving people like tangible things, like, yes, right. This do this, but I'm also going to make sure that you have really the bravery to go ahead and actually execute on that. So you do the mindset stuff and the logistics.
Cami Langston:Nice. I love that. So I would love to just kind of hear what your journey has looked like. I know that like when I found you you were like more focused on email. I took your course love your list, right? Like all about email marketing. I know you've kind of transitioned. I don't know if you were doing something before that. I would love to kind of hear your journey of like, what sparked you to start a business in the first place and and what that journey has kind of looked like.
Kate Doster:Sure. So I started my business as a stay at home mom on food stamps. Like I was one of those for like, if there's like any government assistant program that we could qualify for, like I was on it. Like I got our house winterized. I, any like volunteer thing that you could do where like, we would get like extra benefits. Like I did it all. So we were on like, Everything except for actual cash assistance, because that, that we didn't qualify for because my husband worked together still and were together at that time, too. He worked in social services at a group home. So y'all know, like, it's not making any money. So I was a stay at home mom. And it was 1 of those things that why that had happened is I actually got fired, legitimately terminated from my job at the bank that I was working at for giving birth. Where I was at, I hadn't been there for a full year, we're in America, there are no maternity benefits, and they're like, you've got three days to come back or you're fired. Wow. Now, I had an emergency c section, like everyone's first birth story, it was rough. We were in labor for days, I hadn't eaten in, it was well over a day and a half, and when they decided to do the emergency c section, I had a severe, severe reaction to the anesthesia that they give you, even though like you're, you're not knocked out for you guys that have been through this before. But like, I was like dry heaving everywhere. Like there are bells and whistles going off everywhere. Like, like it was rough. So like, I couldn't even. Walk three days after and like our actual doctor, like the surgeon, she did an amazing job, but I was just in the roughest shape of my life. I'm like, I'm like, I know my own name. I was pumped up with so much drugs afterwards. Y'all ladies. I'll know how it is. Yeah. Screw that. Right. So we went from being a dual income and I had more money in my particular job than his and just my husband supporting us. And then when I sat down and did the math. It was, we would literally be losing money if I went out and got a job, like, and I feel like a lot of times in America that kind of ends up happening with people. So that's why we ended up on all the services. And again, I worked those services, like they were my job and did extreme couponing a little bit for a little while back in the day, guys, because my kids were born in 2012 and 2013. So they were 17 months apart. It was not planned. So having all those kids in a very short period of time and like. I love my baby's bunches, but like being a stay at home mom, I was just not built for it. Like it melted my brain. I just, I couldn't. So I'm like. What are we doing here? So I decided that I was going to start a business. Now, like most of us, we go and we start a blog because that's what we see a lot of people do. So I blogged for probably about three months. And that's when I found out that there was this thing called copywriting with a W. So copywriting with a W on like an R, which is legal, it's basically you write words to take action. It's different than a blog. We're kind of telling a story or being very informational. It is coming across as being like persuasive and honestly, just talking to people. And like the second I found out that I was a thing, even though I'm not a natural writer, I'm a talker because copy has to be conversational. I'm like, that's it. So all of a sudden I went from making like, zero dollars on my blog to being a copywriter. I just sort of put up my fence. I started actually in Facebook groups, which is what your item in the back of business bundles about. I started in Facebook groups when people would post like, Hey, what do you miss landing page? I just rip it apart. I took courses by copy hackers. I read books like I love courses. I take them myself still. I was just off to the races at the time. Periscope was a thing. And so. What's great about services, but also it's kind of tough when your mom is that you can make a lot of money quickly because you can charge premium prices. So it's not like you're trying to get thousands and thousands and thousands of hit on your blog to get ad revenue to get like, 5, right. Which is a great model, but what I was just not going to do, because I could not produce blog posts that fast and at the line that you needed to. So with services. Even though Dora the Explorer had to be my babysitter for a little while, like, I could write a sales page, I could write a homepage, and then when you do copywriting, you find out to try different things, which you like. And what I really actually loved writing the most was emails, because again, you could be more conversational. They're actually shorter, a little bit punchier, and I just, I really love them, and I love them. Launched copy in particular. So that's just when you're like having like a big sale that goes over a couple of days, everyone dumped on it. And so I did that for a while. And then I transitioned into just from taking clients to being able to teach people how to do their own. And that's where love your list came from and courses. So that was a long drawn out story of, I really hate saying this because it's such rich's story, but like it literally, like it took me years with an ass, like a couple of years. It wasn't just like five months. I feel like it's not that bad. But it's like, I went from food stamps to a seven figure course creation business. Like I always say, I Hamiltoned us out of poverty. Like I wrote myself out me and then one of my other friends online, that's why I always say the truth. I said, I'm like, I Hamiltoned myself out. Cause I'm like, well, what were we going to do? Like nothing. So throughout that transition, my husband became, we call it the primary. or a parent. So he's a stay at home dad now, which is pretty sweet. That is
Cami Langston:awesome. Wow. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. That's it sounds like our birth story was pretty similar of the in labor for days and then emergency c section. So fun.
Kate Doster:The second C section, because they're like, yeah, you can't have a V back, Kate, like, there's no way, was so much better. It's strut in there at the right time because they knew the adverse effect I had before. They had all this other medicine to counter that medicine. It was glorious. I was up and going and like a couple of hours after having my second one.
Cami Langston:Yeah. Yeah. Thankfully my first C section did actually go pretty well. I mean, I had a great, like. Easy recovery, but I actually did have a VBAC. So and that it was harder, like, I'm like, Hmm, if I ever have a third, I don't know what I'll do. I don't know. Because I mean, it was cool to like give birth naturally and, but. Also, it's pretty nice to, have the healing on the stomach rather than, down there.
Kate Doster:So, no, it was a night and day difference. It was a night and day difference between the first C section and the
Cami Langston:second one. I bet. So anyways, but that's so crazy. I mean that, that you lost your job essentially because of that. Thank you, America. But I love that you just took action, right? Like, First, with the figuring out, like, how can I support through the government, right, and take advantage of, like, what's available to me, but then figuring out a way to make it work. And similar situation of, I was a teacher before, and so it's like, when I did the math of, like, how much I would be bringing in versus how much I would have to pay for daycare. I mean, like, I'd maybe bring home a thousand dollars and it's like, I can figure out a way to make a thousand dollars a month, right? Like, we can figure that out rather than being at a full time job, a stressful full time job. So, um, I love that you just took action and That is started out one thing, right? You started where you knew you could, and, and then it evolved. And I think, I mean, it's even kind of evolved since then, right? Like from the, the email marketing, I would love to hear just kind of like what that transition has looked like to like, what kind of led to you built this, seven figure course business. And then you've kind of changed up some things. What what has led
Kate Doster:to that? I think that when you talk about something for a while, sometimes they get a little stale and old. Also neurodivergent, your girl's got ADHD. There's no hiding it from anybody. And I was just like enough was enough. Like I, what ended up happening from my signature course. And again, I think, I don't want to blame this on being a mom, but I think that really is like that over delivery thing. I put everything I knew about running an online business into a course that was supposed to be about email marketing. And what was ended up happening is I was feeling a little resentful of the course. Students absolutely loved it, but I was also resentful of the students and like, not like, Oh, how dare they like underpay me for this, like a tiny bit. I felt like the energetic exchange wasn't quite there, but because people were never going to be able to get through it. And like, if my whole point is to be able to get people to take action, I'm like, I really need to like, slim this down. Like basically. And it was one of those light bulb moments because in the course, we had, I guess, experts and she was talking about course design and it's my friend, Emily. And literally every single mistake she talked about was in that email marketing course, every single one. And I'm like, I want to be able to talk about a lot of different things, like, because there's a lot of different facets to running an online business. I really do think that focusing on your email list and definitely learning messaging and cells is so unbelievably important, but like, I want to talk about like how to manage my day as a CEO. Right. And it just didn't allow, because my old podcast was called like Inbox Besties, it just didn't allow to talk about like online business as a whole. So I wanted to be email marketing to be a part of it, but not the whole thing. Right. And then the thing that we're focused on right now currently is teaching people how to do bundles, because what was happening is our students, their sales pages are converting really well. Because again, an email marketing course probably should not taught you how to write a sales page, but it did. Because I'm like, well, what good. And this was the issue with that course and why we had to end up retiring it. again, people loved it. And I'm sure we've had lost, like, I don't want to say well over six figures from shutting it down, which is quite all right, but it was like, okay, well, if their emails are good, but their sales page is bad, but that's not going to work. Right. Whereas like, but if the product is bad, then of course the sales page is going to be bad. And so it kept on like going back and back and back and back. And then that's how the scope just like completely got blown out from the course. And I was also somebody, especially when I had started that course, I was very bad at pricing everyone. Like I, again, I think still coming from. The, like, welfare, like, position. I was Really undercharging for what is in there 1000 percent because I knew what it was like, but it just got to a certain point where I'm just like, the price is just like not aligned. There was we tried to do like, we tried to a version 3 for almost 2 years and I could not make it work because we would have to scale the course back so much. So I loved it. But that's how we ended up for that. So. I'm like, all right, like we're going to take a step back. One of the things that we did cover in the course was just like general list building, but a lot of people, they would get sales, they would get a lot of replies, but they weren't necessarily getting in the volume of people that they needed the way I grew my MLS was through hosting bundles. We've been doing it since 2019. We were, I don't want to say we were definitely not the first. Cause I'd got the concept from one of my friends, but she's like, no, you go teach it. Cause hers was in 2018. So like, I just like took bundles and ran with it. And so that's one of the things that we're kind of focusing on right now. And we're working together for our back to business bundle. That's going to be coming up soon. So I'm very excited for that. So that's kind of how the evolution that's like, yes, I still want to talk about. Email because it again, it changed my life as dramatic as it sounds, but I want to be able to talk about like other things about stepping into the leadership about more of like sales in general. So that is why you switch now that it's never coming to it again. And like, we still have the email marketing fairy and some template sets. It's just like. We always said this course should have been like six. So now it's like, now you got to sit down and record them and make them six. Yeah.
Cami Langston:Yeah. I, I want to come back to the bundles. But first, like one thing you were kind of talking about there and I'm trying to remember where you said it may be in your podcast or something. But something you said like really stuck with me and like totally called me out. And it's something I remind myself of a lot. And you said something to the effect of like, Okay. You were trying to be your audience's, like, business savior that you were trying to, like, like you said, it's like, well, I want to teach him this, but in order for that to work, I have to teach him this and I have to teach, and it just like can get huge and you like put it. Everything into your core offer. And I think that that is a mistake one that I have made. And I see other people make as well, where it's like, you see everything that they need to know. And so you like want to. Put it all in there. And when you do, it's one becomes it's like overwhelming, right? There's so much stuff. And then also you kind of have that, like, I should be charging a lot more for this, but you don't want to be trying, all of that. So I'd love for you to speak a little bit more to that. If you have any other words of wisdom around that, of like when people are choosing their course topic. Or, whatever their program is going to be, like, how to kind of pick and choose, like, the right pieces to include.
Kate Doster:I think that Getting, and we talk about this a lot inside of love your list, we talk about muses and that's like your person, right? The person that you just really want to help. I love my person so much, I want to help them with everything. Right? Right. But we also need to, and this is one of the core things that we talk about in all of my stuff, is you need to treat people like people. Like people aren't going to sit through all of those videos. And I know that you want to keep on delivering, delivering, delivering. And I know a lot of moms, our target audiences tend to be other moms because that's who we know. That's who we want to help. We know that no one else is really supporting us. No offense. Right. We know about those empty stockings at Christmas. So, so that's why we think we give them the world, but then you also have to take a step back and be like, is she, or are they going to have time to actually go through this? And so with Love Your List. We got around this as I'm like, everyone needs to do the mindset module, which is the first module. Everyone should do the copywriting module, although technically there's only three videos that I really wanted you to watch, even though there's like 80 of them in there. And then I'm like, then it's whatever problem you've got, go to that module. So it was really almost like you had to choose your own adventure. And so I think that sometimes we forget with just sort of overstuffing it with people since we want them to take action. Sometimes people really do want an end point. And that was the other issue with just doing everything start to finish is like, People are always going to need a new welcome series. They're always going to need a new launch. They're always going to need a new sales project, right? So it's like, where would you find those definitive ends? What was easier for me, and this is when I really got that lightbulb again about not trying to be everyone's Messiah and not giving to everyone, is for the bundle course. Even though there's a lot of resources, there's a definitive end. Granted, once you run one, now you're going to go back. You're going to do some more things. And we talk about how you can add more bells and whistles, but there's a definitive event. Like, The way that love your list was set up, there was no definitive event, right? Like, yes, you'd have welcome series last year, how your newsletters. Yes, you can have an easiest offer, but it wasn't like, okay, now you're done. It was like, now you've got to do this. So I'm like, okay, like, could we like chunk this down? It's like, here's your welcome series. Here's a course that we've got about this. Like here's one. So that's kind of where. That all ended up when it came to that, and it's really, really hard. I'm not going to lie to everybody again. I think, especially because we're naturally givers and we're selfless and because we can see all of the, all of the areas that people really need in order to make this work. And that's all that we want is to make someone's life easier. Truly. And it's like, it's not really making their life easier. Okay. There's like in one module, there's like 20 hours worth of videos and there's like 7 other modules and all these bonuses you're shoving in there. Probably not. So you have to think to yourself 1 about your core person and 2, and this is what the course designer had said, and this is for any project, like, what outcome do you want? And not in like, oh, they have this, but it's like, Again, the outcome for the bundle course was like very specific, they're going to host a bundle. I'm like, okay, what was the outcome of this? And so sometimes you need to ask yourself that when you're creating any type of paid offer or any type of resources, even, and I think people just kind of like selling printables and stuff. We have students that do a fantastic job selling printables. Like, no, this is a rainy day. This is a Valentine's Day end. And then if you want to like throw everything together in a holiday bundle, at some point you can, but there's no problem just being like, no, I'm just taking care of Valentine's Day. It'll be fine. Yeah. Because you have to, you have to give them agency. And that was the other thing that I was really, really lacking in discounting for my students. And again, I think it's a little bit of like, Oh, I kind of wanted a little bit of the credit to help them out, but I needed people. To stop being dependent on me and to be confident enough in themselves. So that's the other half of that messiah is don't take away their agency. Yes, obviously you want to make sure your quality is good. And yeah, you want to make sure that you've got some stuff to help them out. But ultimately, it's not your course's responsibility to necessarily get them the result. They've got to put in the work. And I think that we forget about that other half of the equation. Granted, you need to set it up so they could do the work as easy as possible, right? But they need agency, they have to be their own messiah, they have to get their own credit, you don't get to be the saviour, they're the saviour because they did it. Yeah.
Cami Langston:Yeah, that's such a great point. And I think something I have to constantly remind myself of too, of just, um, I don't want to like, they have to build their own business, right? Like, we can't just be like, here you go. like as much as we want to make it as easy as possible. Like you said, they have to do it themselves. And if they don't, then that's like robbing them of getting to do it. Right. And and then also you're, you're building people that are, like you said, constantly relying on you to, to do things. And then that's a lot of pressure. So we don't want to do that. Yeah. So keep it specific. I love that. And. And like you said, you can always make it multiple, right? Like start with one and you can always have different, different offerings down the road to help with the different things. So
Kate Doster:exactly. And again, you can always offer, different levels of support. You can offer again, different things that can be smaller products. It can be medium size. You can, if you want to have a giant signature offer, you can have one of those. We're not saying that you don't necessarily have to have one, but it's like, you just need to have in the back of your mind. Am I just overstuffing them with people, but what am I doing to truly push them forward? So just keep that result in mind.
Cami Langston:Right. Well, and even you said like, it was almost kind of a choose your own adventure, but then you're going to have people like me that I can't not watch videos in a course. What I mean? So it's like, no, I have to go through every single one, so when you have them all, it's like, you're almost keeping them from taking the action, right? Because exactly, they're just too busy learning, right?
Kate Doster:Yeah. Okay. I like this course. Again, you said either we had a fraction it or we had to I don't mean to be gross. But Ori had to gut it like a fish because I'm like, there is so much stuff. And again, I could tell for myself, now that anyone ever brought this up, cause everyone always loved that course. We've never had anyone say anything bad about it except for one of the slide side typos, but they all knew it was me. Cause like, I made millions of dollars with the typo. Like it's fine guys. It means you took action. You wouldn't have had the typo if you didn't get it out there. Right. So I love doing reframes like that, but yeah, they all loved it. But I'm like, for myself, it was, I was going back and going, you really gave them everything you had for like 700 bucks at one point. It's like, this is, this is not, it's not energetically aligned anymore. But like I said, again, when you start and you're just like, Okay. How am I going to make like 35 feed all four of us? My poor husband at one point, like with extreme coupon, you can get like the randomest deals. I'm like, I think he ate jello for like three meals at one point, but he never complained. Like it was just whatever I could get at that time. So it's like. It always comes back to this point, and this is where I think that you can also remember, and this is the agency part, right? I'm not in charge of other people's wallets, right? Some people really do like spending money. Some people invest. This is why, for our product suite, we have stuff at a variety of price points, right? The higher it is, the more of me there is, right? At one point, I was like, Be face to face with anybody ever anymore for a little bit. I want to be a permit. So like we figured out ways around that.
Cami Langston:Well, I would love to come back to the bundles. So you mentioned, that's kind of what you're focusing on right now. And why we're even chatting, right. Is that we are, I, I am one of the contributors for your bundle. So I'd love for you to first explain like what even a, What you call a free bundle is how it works and how, just practically people can use them to grow their audience.
Kate Doster:All right. Ah, again. I love bundles for the free paid. We have a hybrid version for the back to business bundle, meaning that there's free gifts that people can get or they could pay to get the premium gifts. I mean, it is ridiculous. The stuff that we have in this bundle. I'm so excited. So what a bundle is, is basically you're going to get together with other creators and you're going to put together for usually a week. I would say no longer than 7 days. I think 5 works. 7 is fine. I wouldn't do any longer than that. We've tested it out a lot. I am always my own guinea pig. And basically for those 5 or 7 days. People are going to go to your event page. They have to sign up. So since you're the host, you can put them on their email list, follow GDPR compliance and all this other stuff, where people can get access to things that are paid or premium for either free or for a small fee. So like our paid level that we have for the back to business bundle, the premium level, we're doing a whole bunch of other bonuses, but we have 77 courses and every single one of them has to sell. And I had to see a real sales page for at least 50 bucks. So literally, if you only use two items, you saved a whole bunch of money because you would have, at minimum, had to have paid 100 for something that you're only paying 97 for, and you're getting 75 other things, right? So it works out really, really well. Free bundles, I think, are really great when you're trying to grow your email list. Because again, everyone's telling you, grow your email list, sell to your audience. It is very hard when the algorithm is always against you, right? Like if you go over to like Instagram or to Facebook and you see how many of your hard fought followers actually see just one of your posts, it is so discouraging, right? SEO takes forever to kick in. And then I was talking to a lot of my vlogging friends and they did that whole revamp last year and everyone's traffic was in the crapper, right? So the great thing about bundles, because they're limited time, people are going to take action. But now you actually have teammates. Unlike the algorithm that's actually trying to keep people away from joining your email list, away from Git, you've got like 5, 10, 20 other people that are all pointing towards you, your event, your spotlight. You're going to make sure that your item is about a topic that you want to be known for. And it's going to be the only one about that. Right? So if you want to, and we've had very successful Bundles that weren't just like business bundles. You're going to see a lot of those guys because we're all in the online business space. So we know, and you're going to get targeted. We've had ones for dance teachers. We have had one for homesteaders. We have had mom bundles. They have cleaning bundles, productivity bundles. We have had so many amazing bundles that people put in there. You put that thing and now you're the person that's known for that, right? So say that you really love canning. Like that's like your hobby that you're into and you've got your canning blog and sure you've got ad revenue. But like, you need a boost. You need more people. Maybe you're going to put out an ebook, get together with other creators who would support other parents. Cause that's usually who we're going for here. We'll just say other moms that would also be into canning. Right. So probably homesteading. So like, you're going to team up with like someone that does chickens, someone that grows their own garden. I mean, if you don't cover gardening, right. Like you're going to think what else would somebody who's into my thing also enjoy. And then you're going to go find those creators and you're going to be like, hi, I'll help you grow your email list for free. Right? Or can I pay you to grow your email list if you're doing a paid bundle because they would get an affiliate commission for it, right? People can get so many email subscribers, especially like free bundles is when you really want to grow your email list. Paid is when you're really looking for like kind of a cash injection, but you can make money with free bundles as well. We teach both ways how to do that. So it just kind of depends really where you're at in your business. I always tell people start with free first. And then again, have your own agency, but that's just because if you're kind of newer, you can actually like, we had someone go from a 400 people email list to a 4, 000 email person list. And she had, I believe it was like only 18 other people. Wow. Right. So like with a free bundle, you can get together honestly with five of your blogging friends, as long as they're all your audience overlap. You can get like an extra 200, 300, 500 people that you wouldn't have had on your email list now. And that can be business changing because it builds momentum. And since you learned how to manage five people, you already got some assets. Now, next time you do a bundle, whether you keep the same name or not, you can invite more people. the tech gremlins that are going to add up, you can just build and build and build and your audience looks forward to it. And it's just, it's a win win for absolutely everyone. Your contributors are I can't believe it, Kimmy got me, got me 500 new subscribers and I have been trying so hard and I've got like a cool hundred on my own. That's why. And then again, they are all of a sudden going to love you and they are going to tell everybody like, Hey, if you need someone about tanning, put her in your summit, interview her for this, do a guest blogging thing. And again, Yeah. Bye. I really love collaboration. I love helping other people win, and like, there's no losing with this bundle, right? Like, I win, obviously, because I get in front of a lot of other people's audiences, right? Like, I am right now, Kim, right? You get to grow your business. Your audience gets exposed to all this stuff for either a really nominal fee or completely for free, so they win. And then they implement their stuff, and then their life changes, and then people around their life changes. Like, It's the ultimate ripple effect. You can tell I get very excited when it comes to bundles and like, here's kind of the cool thing, technically for like, this was kind of me before I found copywriting. It was like you want to do something, but you just can't figure out about what technically you can make a whole business just running bundles. Like you don't have to be a personal brand. You don't need to do it to grow your email list at all. You can just go to the email list of your bundle agency. So like all you're going to learn how to do is how to run one and then you're going to pick different themes. And guess what? Instead of just adding people to your normal list, you can sell to you're just going to be like, I'm just going to run these bundles. They're going to get 60. I'm going to get 40. That's I'm going to make my money. No one's going to know it's me. And ta da! This is the box. Yeah,
Cami Langston:that's awesome. I have not thought about that, but you could do it either
Kate Doster:way. Totally. To grow yourself or to be like anonymous, right? And like, get some other people to kind of like help you out. Like, because not everyone wants to be on camera, so. Right. It works.
Cami Langston:That's awesome. That's a good, good idea. Yeah, I love how, how passionate about, about it. You are. And I just love the idea. Like when I first kind of learned about it. I think a lot of people think, okay, I want to grow a business online. That means I have to do social media. Right? And like, that's just like kind of their initial like, I've got to either be a TikTok star or I've got to do paid ads or something, right? Like, but all around social media. And I think that there's so many other options. To grow your audience and, just creative options like this, right? Where you can make use of other people's audiences to, to grow your own. So I, I love that. So I would love for you to share how everybody can check out the bundle. I guess I will be sharing my affiliate link, right? Yeah, I guess. So I would need that. Let's see, what do we want to call it? I guess I need to come up with a link. Let's say mom started business forward slash wait. What's the, what's the bundle called back to business, right? Back to business. We'll do B to B. Right back to business. Okay. There we go. Mom started business. com forward slash B2B. Is where you can find the bundle. This
Kate Doster:is so exciting. So the back to business bundle is going on from February 12th until the 16th. So what it is, we actually have two tiers this year. We're doing what we call a hybrid tier. So we have a completely free tier. You put in your email address. And you get to pick and choose from over, it's 127. She said off the top of her head. I know it's over 125 different items that you want. You get to pick and choose whichever ones you want to sign up for. So it's not like you give me your email address and I'm giving it to the world. No, no, no. You pick and choose the things that you want to actually focus on and work on. We make it really easy. Everything is searchable. You can search by tag. You can sort by price. If you're like, I only want the most expensive things, you can do that, right? We also have two other tiers. We've got the premium tier where you get everything in the free tier, but then you get all the courses that legitly sell for 50 or more. We have one person that actually put in their thousand dollar course and I'm like, I love you so much. Like, yeah, we have over actually like 10, 000, like actual retail worth of stuff. Like you can go and find it. It's not just like somebody like. Made this stuff up. They had to be able to actually sell it. It is fantastic. So there's over 77 items in there. We are also have what we call the bundle booster level. So that's maybe you're not quite sure if you want to, even though you can see what's in both versions, but you want a little bit of extra time because with the free version, you only have until. That Tuesday after which is President's Day is the Monday. So we gave you an extra day on Tuesday. I believe it's the 22nd to claim any of the free items that you want. We have the bundle booster level where for a cool 7, you can have an extra two weeks to actually claim everything that you want to go through it. And we also have some bonus items. You get a coupon if you decide to upgrade to the premium version as well. We have co working sessions slash co action sentences. So that way it's not like I got access to all this stuff. Now what do I do? We have some of our creators that are actually going to be walking you through their products. That way you can get some of your question answers and you can do it. That's in the bundle booster level are up for everyone. We have panel discussions that are going on. We actually have a free Facebook group that has all of the tiers in it where we're having bundle bingo. So if you do certain things, you can win prizes, you can win free upgrades. I'm just, I'm so excited. There's audio podcasting involved in it and it is just, we're just so unbelievably excited. Excited for this bundle, I cannot, and if you're listening to this and it's a little bit earlier than the 12th and you'll see that we do have some waitlist items. We have a workshop that's going on called Little List Big Profit. So this is a workshop that I'm actually going to be selling. I'll probably, I like to be very transparent, I'll probably re record it so there's not me chatting about the bundle in the middle of it. But like, this isn't just like a traditional webinar where all it's geared towards is selling the bundle. This is a bonus that I'm creating for the bundle. And I plan on selling this masterclass for myself. So it's one of those, like, actually get Kate to remake her new course. Right. So you guys get to come and watch that live. That is going to be going on. This goes out in time. It's going to be going on February 8th. So your link might go over to that. We have a free ebook that's going on, but we'll make sure everyone is taking care of for the back to you business bundle. You just have to take the items that you want and leave the ones that you don't. We try to make it really, really easy for everybody. So that way they can get the absolute most out of. They're bundling experience.
Cami Langston:Awesome. I love that. Now I will I guess plug in here. Like if somebody wants to get involved and do bundles themselves and learn bundles themselves, where should they
Kate Doster:go for that? All right. So we have a course called Collaboration Cashion. I think that you have your affiliate link as well. So, but technically you can always go and look at it, but definitely like email came and get her really for everyone. But it is, if you go to www. katedoster. com forward slash CC, it'll redirect you to collaboration caption where we're going to walk you through absolutely everything you need to host your bundle. We give you the templates. Every time I do new stuff, which this is our first time doing a hybrid bundle, I always update the course to talk about what we are doing, to give you the resources that I made for it. Obviously, I take out like people's names and stuff, but like we give you everything. It's constantly, it's an evolving course. So that way you can really propel your bottom line and your business. And honestly, you're reaching your impact with bundles, whether it's free, it's paid, it's a hybrid bundle. All of that, and also right after our bundle closes on that Wednesday, so it would be, I think it's the 23rd. You would think that I remember the dates off the top of my head, but I don't. Yes, the last day to claim your items is the 20th of February. On the 21st, we're going to be doing A live webinar that is called bundle blast off. We're just going to tell you how you can run an event just like this, how you don't have to necessarily go huge. And I don't necessarily recommend it. If you've got the time, the space, the brand width, then 1000 percent go for the gold. But if you just want something that's tiny that you can do, that's going to have a big impact. That's really what a bundle can do for you. That's why I love this model as opposed to summits. I mean, I love speaking in other people's summits, but y'all, that is so much work. All that video editing, just proofing the transcriptions. AI is not perfect guys. It is so much a bundle. It's not that much work comparatively. It truly, truly isn't. Yeah. Yeah.
Cami Langston:Awesome. Thank you for sharing that. And thank you so much for sharing your journey, your story, some tips. This has been great. I really appreciate it. So I guess everybody like come to the bundle. Is there anywhere else that you want people to come connect with you? Say hello, anything?
Kate Doster:You can always head over to Instagram is kate underscore Duster. If you want to get me there wherever you're listening to this, after you click like the little dots and leave a review for the podcast, you can go ahead and search for my podcast, which is do the brave thing podcast. So that way you can come hang out with us there. I absolutely love that. I know there was one thing that you wanted to talk about that we didn't actually talk about. And that was about me not talking about being a mom that much in my business and not going by mompreneur. So I, I don't think my husband necessarily cared, but I decided that I didn't want to have my kids on the internet, if that makes sense. So like, that is why I don't necessarily bring them up. So like, people kind of know my mom, but it's not like the thing that I go for. Like, if I'm going to post pictures of my kids, it's only to the close friends list or like I'll blur out their faces. So again, and I think that this came down to the stay at home mom stuff and I kind of wish I was the other way around, but it's like. I'm definitely a business owner that has kids as opposed to like someone with kids that has a business. Granted they were my firstborn was the reason I had to start this business, but it's like, it's a part of me, but it's not like all of me. However you want to do it, like do it. It's honestly, it has to be what feels good in your guts. And that's what felt good in my gut. So just like we're going to keep the kids. Themselves like just like for real family and friends, they can be able to know what's going on. But
Cami Langston:yeah, yeah. Thank you for reminding me of that. I I definitely, I wanted to highlight that because I think that oftentimes, as moms, like starting a business or whatever, like where it say, Oh mom, you feel like, well, that's who you are. Like that has to be a part of your brand as a business. And I just wanted to point out that it doesn't have to be right. Like it can be obviously like it's definitely a part of mine. But it doesn't have to be. So if you don't want to share your kids on social media, you don't have to, if you don't want to talk about like motherhood at all, you don't have to, right? So I just, I love to point out kind of the different, the different ways that this can look right. There's not one way that starting a business and also being a mom can look. So yeah, thanks for sharing that. And thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for
Kate Doster:having me. All
Cami Langston:right. I can't wait for the bundle. Go check it out, everybody.