Mom, Start a Business!
Are you an ambitious mom with a God-sized dream?
Want to think about something other than the constant stream of dishes, diapers, and dinner prep?
Is being home and present with your kids a top priority, but you also want something for yourself?
> Something that allows you to pursue YOUR passions.
> Something that allows you to make money and contribute to the family budget.
> And something that allows you to make an impact outside the walls of your home.
Maybe you've tried starting a mommy blog or a network marketing business (ie. MLM or social selling). Or maybe you've tried doing virtual assistant work or even coaching. But with all the people out there telling you how to make money from home, you're feeling overwhelmed and confused about what will actually work for a mom like you. A mom who doesn't want to be glued to her phone, recruiting her friends from high school, or taking client calls 24/7.
Every week on the Mom, Start a Business podcast, your host Cami Langston along with other successful mom entrepreneurs will share the behind-the-scenes of what it really takes to start and grow an online business with little ones at home. You'll hear interviews, on-air coaching, and how-to lessons centered around answering questions like these:
> What type of business is best? Service-based, ecomm, digital products, courses, coaching, etc.?
> What software should I use to start an email list, build a funnel, sell a course?
> Should I start a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel, or is Instagram or TikTok enough?
> Where do I start if I don't have an audience?
> How do I find time to work with kids at home?
> And so many more!
Have a question you want answered? DM Cami on Instagram @momstartabusiness
Starting and growing a business as a busy mom is not easy, and it will not be perfect..But together, it is possible. Around here, the motto is “Done is better than perfect.” So I invite you to hit subscribe, grab that load of laundry to fold, and stick around as we take small actions towards our big goals.
Mom, Start a Business!
How to Automate Your Instagram for More Passive Income
EPISODE 3-3 In this episode, host Cami Langston delves into the world of automating income with Instagram. Discover how to create an automated system that frees up your time, provides instant gratification to your audience, and boosts engagement on your content. Learn the ABCs of a profit machine and explore the tools needed to kickstart your Instagram automation journey. Join the conversation and start building your online presence today!
Ready to dive deeper into using Instagram to grow your business? Register for next weeks free training at momstartabusiness.com/automate
Looking for tools to start, grow, and automate your business? Check out the only marketing tool you'll need at blessingbuilder.io
💌Connect with me on Instagram @momstartabusiness
Not sure what you could create to make passive income? Get the Create Your Niche Workbook to help you come up with your next great business idea!
Welcome back to the moms. Start a business podcast. I am your host Kimi lincston and I am excited to be here and talk with you today about all things. Automating Instagram. So what do I mean by that? I want to talk today about how you can create automated income with Instagram. So you've probably seen, it's kind of blown up with, especially, the big influencers and. The big Instagram gurus all about automation and. That whole concept of, they put out a real, they say comment. A key word on their post. And then when you do it automatically responds with a comment. And, or a DM that gives you the link to whatever it is that they were talking about. Maybe it's a freebie. Maybe it's there. Course, maybe it's their upcoming launch. Maybe it's their, cute dress that they found on Amazon. Right. So they're using it for all sorts of things, but it's automating the process where. All you have to do is show up. And post to the real, and then automation takes over the rest. So I want to talk about what that looks like. How you can implement it in your business. And why you would even want to, so first let's start there. Why would you even want to do this? Right? You made me even thinking like, I mean, I could just respond to the comments, right? Like I only get three comments anyways. I could respond to them. And that is very true, but there is more to it than that. Our goal here. As a mom, as an entrepreneur. At least for those of you that are listening here. I know that you are passionate about being both a profitable entrepreneur, but more importantly, a present mother. You don't want to just start a business to start a business and. take you away from your family. You are wanting to create a business that fits into your family life and fits into. the, the things that you've got going with your family, not something that takes you away, you don't want to spend. Your whole day on your phone, you don't want to spend your whole day chatting back and forth. You don't want to spend your whole day on sales calls, right? Like you are wanting to create a business. That allows you to show up as little as possible. And make the most income and the most impact while you are with your family. And so. Having this automation. In your Instagram is going to help you do that. So that's kind of the first reason is obviously you, right? It allows you to free up your time. This is great for you. You can. Like I said, just to post your real. So you have, obviously you've got to spend some time creating the content, which we can talk about that another time of how you can streamline that and take less time doing that. You do have to create the content post it. But then the rest can be automated. So even if you only have, if you comments. What I find for myself is if I know that I need to be responding to comments, then I'm going to keep checking and I'm going to keep coming back to Instagram and opening it up when I don't need to be right. Like. I could just set it and forget it. And so it just really frees up your time and your mental energy to know that like that's taking care of the other reason that this is so great is. For your audience. We live in a very instinct, gratification world. People want what they want and they want it right now. So when they see a reel that tells them about your new, free download or they see that, new dress that they want, that you're sharing, they want it. Now they want to take action on that now, and they're more likely to take action on it now. And so when you can have that automation, that instantly gives them the link that they want. They're much more likely. To take action on it and they're happy for it. They it's something that they want. Right. So we don't want them to have to wait around for you to be back on Instagram, to be able to send them the link. We want them to get it instantly, get it right away. And this automation allows for that. And then the third reason is for Instagram. I think let's face it. If you are on Instagram, as much as we don't want to, conform and, and do what they want and we want to do it our way. Ultimately, if we want to get our stuff seen. We do have to appease the Instagram. Gods. At at play here. And so that's the algorithm, right? The algorithm is what decides. What gets shown to who and to how many people and one of the, the biggest indicators. To the algorithm that people. Like your stuff and that it should be shown to more people. Is if they are engaging with it, if they are commenting. And even those comments that are automatically being replied back or adding to that. That content or the comment count, right. And so it's adding that engagement. And so then it's kind of like this cycle where. Because of the automation, people are commenting to, to be able to get this stuff right. Cause you're telling them to that's how it works. And then because of the comments, because more people are commenting. It's going to be shown to more people. And when it's shown to more people, more people are commenting and so on and so on. And so it's just this, this cycle that works in your favor to appease Instagram and get you more. Eyes on your content. So that's really why we want to do this. Okay. That is why it's, it's so helpful to have this Instagram automation. So for you to free up your time. For your audience to give them that instant gratification. And give them, what it is that they want right away. And then for Instagram to give Instagram what it wants, which is engagement. And showing that people want your stuff. Okay. So now let's talk about how this actually works, right? How this whole system works. Now I know this is a podcast I would love to. Give you a visual and if you are like, yes, I'm on board. I really want to learn more about this. I'll I'll tell you more about this later too, but I am hosting a free training next week on april 24th. It's a Wednesday at 10 30 central time. So I am hosting a free workshop where I'm going to be going over all of this. More in depth. I am going to have visuals. I'm going to show you the tech, all of that. So definitely if you want to dive deeper into this and, and start implementing it for yourself, you can sign up for that at moms. Start a business.com forward slash automate. You can sign up there and you'll get all the details and the invite, there will be a replay. So, even if he can't make it live, sign up and you'll get the replay. Okay. So let's talk about, I'm going to do my best to describe this without visuals. Okay. But what we are going for here. Really comes down to what I call the profit machine. Right. We want to create. A profit machine. Where we have a product that we are selling. We have people that we are selling to, and we have a process to get those people to the product. And in order to do that, we use what I call the ABCs of a profit machine. So let's go through those ABCs just real fast. Again, this is easier with visuals. But again, come to that training and I will have the visuals. So a stands for attract or attention, you have to get people's attention. Two. To get in front of more people, right? Like if you want more people to see your stuff, you have to go out and get in front of them. So for this use case for this Instagram funnel. Your attract your attention. Is the real, it is using that real that people are, or Instagram is pushing out to more people. So we obviously want to create content that is getting in front of people that people want to consume that. Is hooking people in right. He was seeing all the things on Instagram about hooks. They're important. You got to hook people and you've got to get their attention. And bring them in. That is what the real is doing. Okay. So that's your first piece is the a, then we've got B, B stands for. Build connection, build authority and build context. This is going to happen. Sometimes in your reel, you might be kind of building that context for what it is that you help people with. You may be building your authority by. Sharing a quick tip, showing that, your stuff. Maybe you're even sharing a case study. You're showing that you are the authority. And then you want to build context, which is setting up. Your product, essentially, you want to set it up, set the stage, like why people even need to worry about this, right. So you're going to be doing that maybe in the reel itself, but for sure in the caption. Okay. This is where you can maybe depending on the type of real, right. If it's a talking head real, you're going to be doing more of this in the real itself. If it's like a B roll type of real, where you've just got text and like some random. video in some like a trending audio. Then there's going to be more in the caption. So this is where you're building that connection. Then C is convert. So the convert in, in this case is going to be calling them to action. To convert them right into a lead or into a sale, whatever it is that you are promoting. So you're going to say comment, a key word, right. And then that is what's going to send them. So the first, the first conversion, the first, action that they're taking is just that comment. But then you're going to send them in the DMS and a link to whatever it is you're talking about. So, this is where you can link to your freebie. This is where you can link to maybe your low ticket offer. Maybe you can link to your upcoming webinar. Right. So whatever it is that you're wanting to take them to, that is what you're going to link them to. So then they're going to need to take another action, right. And click on that, go to the landing page and sign up there. There's some different ways you can do it, but that's just kind of the, the basic of how you can do that. So you're converting them either into a lead or into a sale. And then. The rest. The rest of it really doesn't happen on Instagram. So I'm just going to kind of briefly go over it. Because it is important, but this is not necessarily the episode for that. So D stands for deliver. So whatever it is that you promised, whatever, whether it's the freebie or the course or whatever, you're going to deliver on that, right. You're going to give them what you promised. Then he exceed expectations. So you're going to go above and beyond really. Wow. Them make them want to come back for more. And then F you're going to gather feedback. So how you can improve how you going to make it better, but more importantly, testimonials. Reviews things that you can use to share and then G grow so that you can get in front of more people and you can start this cycle over. Now, obviously you can do this so many ways in your business, but for this episode, we're talking about how this works on Instagram. So, again, it's just that a attract that's your real, you are using. The reels that people are, that our Instagram is pushing out. Right. Unfortunately like static posts, your stories. Those are mostly going to be seen by people that already follow you. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do those. Those are really, actually more building the, be there, the build connection build context, right? So someone may even just come in through a real to follow you. And then you're still building that connection in your other posts and in your stories and things like that before they actually take that step with C of converting. So that's okay. But just, just realize that that your reels are really the things that are going to get in front of new people. So that's the a, okay. And then B the build connection, right? So that's going to be in your caption. That's going to be in your talking head reels. That's going to be in your post in your stories. Once people follow you. And then the C is calling them to action. The converting. That's going to be that comment, the keyword, right? That's going to take them to a landing page, a sales page. An opt-in page where then they can convert into a lead or into a sale. Okay. So that's how this works. So you made me thinking though, Like, all right. Cool. Sounds good. But like, how do I actually set all of that up? And again, that is what we are going to dive into a lot deeper in my free training next week. So again, like sign up for that moms started business.com forward slash automate. But I do want to touch on just kind of the tools that you do need for this. So first, obviously, if you are selling something, if you were selling. Course or whatever you need a platform to host that and take payment. Right. You need somewhere to house, all of that and take the actual payment. You need a page builder right away for you to actually have a page. That collects people's information, whether it is name an email for a freebie or taking their payment right. And making the sales. So you need to be able to like, build those pages. You are going to need a software. That can automate, so connect to your Instagram and automate those comment replies and the DM, the automated DMS. Okay. So you need a tool for that. And then obviously you're going to need email here. Four. Following up, like one, if somebody gets on your email list, right. To be able to continue to email them if somebody does purchase right, to be able to deliver all of that information. Stay in contact with them. Right. We want to be to be emailing our people and continuing, because especially there's going to be people that. Don't buy it right away. Right. That just sign up for the email. Or the freebie. And so we want to make sure that you're staying in contact with them. We want to continue to build on that connection. And that authority and that context, right. And so a great way to do that is through your email. Okay. So those are kind of the main tools that you are going to need. And you can get all of those in different places. There are so many different tools that do those different things. But you can get all of those tools inside of blessing builder, which is my all-in-one software. That gives you all the tools that you need to start grow market deliver. Right? All of the things for your online business. If you want to check that out, you can go to blessing builder.io. It's got all the info there. And you can see, all of these different tools. It has everything you need for this process. Okay. Now you may have some questions of like, okay, this all sounds good. I could see how this could work for me, but what if, like, what if I don't have anything to sell yet? Should I still use this? Should I still automate things on Instagram? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Okay. You can for sure. Start building that email list. Okay. Just have a free resource. You can start sharing that leading people. Previously, it was really hard to get people off of Instagram. To your landing page and this makes it so much easier. So it's so much easier for you to grow your email list through Instagram, with this automation, rather than having to send people to a link in your bio. Right. Like they can just comment and it goes straight to their inbox. And they can just sign up right then and there. Okay. So this is huge for growing your, your email list. So even if you don't have anything to sell yet, Get started and you can start building your email list. So then when you do have something to sell, you actually have people to sell to. Okay. Now you may also be wondering like, okay, but what if I don't have many followers? Like, will this actually work? Like, I don't even have people commenting, to need to automate. And I totally get that. Like, 100% understand if you go to my new Instagram account. Mom started business. I, at the time of the recording have 30 followers. I do not have very many followers. Okay. I just started the new account. I'm just starting to actually post. Like. consistently there. And I, I started a new one because I really want to be hyper-focused. I want to be I don't want it to be just kind of, my whole life and, more like. Bigger personal brand. Like I want it to be very hyper-focused and so that's why I started anyone. So it's small. I don't have followers. Or many followers. That's okay. The key here is you want to go ahead and get this set up because you never know what real of yours is going to go viral. Okay. Just like little side story of my previous student, Amelia. We worked together to get her course launched and get, her business all set up and in the beginning. It wasn't huge, I mean, she kept, she kept going, she kept launching and she would make a few thousand here and a few thousand there and just kept going. And then this P just in the last, like several months. She had one real that all of a sudden just took off. And she went from like 10,000 followers. To she literally like think today just crossed 400,000 followers. Within the span of. Like four months, she literally went from like, I think she had, maybe she had 3000 and I'm going to she's, I'm going to have to have her on The podcast to walk through all of this. But literally I think in October she had 3000 followers by the end of the year, she had like maybe 15, 17, something like that thousand followers. So a good number. And then in, I believe January or February, that viral, that, that real went completely viral. I mean, like we're talking millions, several millions, and she went from like 17,000. To a hundred thousand followers in the course of like 36 hours. And then it just kept going. Like a week later, she was at 200,000 and then like two weeks later, she was at 300,000. And like I said, now she's at 400,000, so you never know. Like, what's going to take off. I'm so it's so important to just already have it set. It's are like, have all of your systems in place. She already had all of her systems in place. She already had her course in her funnel, all set up. So once, once it blew up, Then her sales could just immediately start taking off. she didn't have to scrounge to put it together and didn't get caught in this, like, oh my goodness. I'm overwhelmed with all of these people. She was able to just like tap into that automation that she already had. So even if you don't have her many followers now, it's okay. Like just get it set up, stay consistent. You never know when you are going to blow up. Okay. Because I know you are. I know, I believe, I believe for you that if you stay consistent, that this is going to take off for you. Okay. All right. So then last thing I want to touch on is, maybe you're thinking like, okay, this sounds good, but automation, all these different tools, like sounds a little techie. And I am not techie and I totally get that as well. And that's where I want to like reassure you. That this does not have to be complicated when you use the right tools when you have the right support. It is not, is not hard to get set up. And that's exactly what I want to help you with. So make sure that you get signed up for the training next week. Mom's started business.com forward slash automate. Again, I'm going to walk you through all of this. I'm going to show you the backend of the tech to see how it works, show you how easy it is to get set up, walk you through the steps. And show you how you can literally just like plug this into your business in like 30 minutes. Okay. So make sure you go to mom's sort of business.com. For clash automate. And get signed up for that training for next week. I'm really excited to dive deeper into this. Help you get the set up for your business, whether you already have a successful offer and tons of followers, and you were just needing to tap into automation, or you are like, Square one, don't have an offer. Don't even maybe have an Instagram account for your business. Either way, wherever you're at, I would love to help you get this set up. So come join me for the training next week. Moms services.com. Ford slash automate again, it will be in. The show notes. If you want to sign up there, you can also go to Instagram and you can comment on any of my reels. Or send me a DM that just says automate and it will send you the link there. All right until next time.